Why do I like Hamilton so much?

Why do I like Hamilton so much?

The show is awesome, but a big part of why it gets so much hype, is that it captured non-theater watchers’ or young people’s attention really, really well. Accessible music. Compared to most other musicals, Hamilton’s musical style (rap, hip-hop, R&B) is a lot similar to popular music than shows like, say, Fun Home.

Is Hamilton the greatest musical ever?

Hamilton made history this year by receiving a grand total of 16 nominations for this year’s Tony Awards – ultimately winning a total of 11, including Best Musical. In honor of this week’s Tony Awards, we asked our readers to vote for the best musical of all time.

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Is Hamilton overrated?

Overall, Hamilton is not “highly overrated” (I’m using the same quotation marks as the original), though it might be true to say some aspects of it are overrated. But it is unarguably a brilliant and original work that blends modern musical styles and historical details.

Was Hamilton really an immigrant?

Hamilton was born out of wedlock in Charlestown, Nevis. He was orphaned as a child and taken in by a prosperous merchant. When he reached his teens, he was sent to New York to pursue his education….

Alexander Hamilton
Born January 11, 1755 or 1757 Charlestown, Nevis, British Leeward Islands (now St. Kitts and Nevis)

Why did Miranda write Hamilton?

Miranda began working on “Hamilton” in 2009. He was inspired to write a hip-hop musical about founding father Alexander Hamilton after reading the 2004 biography “Alexander Hamilton” by historian Ron Chernow. “It was, he thought, a hip-hop story, an immigrant’s story.”

How long did it take Lin-Manuel to write Hamilton?

And it’s uniquely an immigrant story and it’s uniquely a story about writers,” he said. Even so, he added that the show was “no overnight success” as it took him about seven years to write it.

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Why Hamilton is the best musical ever?

Hip Music!!! Oh my gosh,the music was incredible.

  • Hilarious Characters. There are too many good quotes and funny jokes in Hamilton.
  • History Made Catchy! I love history – it fascinates me.
  • Helpful Lessons. Hamilton was chock full of great lessons.
  • Heartfelt Moments.
  • Why is Hamilton the best musical ever?

    The music is-as you’ve heard-impeccable. How do a bastard,orphan,son of a whore and his merry crew of rebels,political rabble rousers and future presidents come across like

  • Ideas trump accuracy and that’s OK. Wait,how many backup dancers were at the Battle of Yorktown?!
  • It’s one of the most approachable Broadway musicals of the last 20 years.
  • Why is the Broadway show Hamilton so successful?

    In addition, a major reason Hamilton is a success is in the way the show promotes multiculturalism in its portrayal of the diversity in America, emphasizes interculturalism in how it depicts the story’s protagonist and antagonist, and celebrates transculturalism by infusing known characters with new ethnic groups to create an entirely original kind of production.

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    Is Hamilton a Broadway show?

    Hamilton is a Broadway musical about Alexander Hamilton and the early days of the United States of America. The creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, also starred as the titular character. It contains rap and Broadway-style singing and dancing, and racebending which deliberately casts people of color in the major roles.