
Which is correct welcome or welcomes?

Which is correct welcome or welcomes?

In the US, we treat them as singular (in most cases, of course). Hence, Microsoft welcomes is what you’d hear. In the UK, they are treated as plural. Hence, Microsoft welcome would be correct.

Is welcomes a correct English?

Welcome or Welcomed. After someone thanks you, the correct phrase is “you’re welcome,” not “you’re welcomed.” In the previous example, welcome is used as an adjective. Welcome can also serve as a verb (We welcome the summer!) or as an interjection (Welcome!), usually stated when greeting someone.

How do you welcome someone in a group?

We hope you’ll do some amazing works here! A warm welcome and lots of good wishes on becoming part of our growing team. Congratulations and on behalf of all the members….Welcome Aboard!

  1. Welcome aboard! We are proud to you with us.
  2. Thanks for choosing to be part of the company!
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the team!
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What does all are welcome mean?

“All are welcome!” Almost every church displays these words on their websites, brochures and yard signs. These three simple words send a message of invitation, inclusiveness, acceptance and hospitality for all.

How do you say your welcome in professional?

Here are a few more ways to say “You’re welcome” in English.

  1. You got it.
  2. Don’t mention it.
  3. No worries.
  4. Not a problem.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. It was nothing.
  7. I’m happy to help.
  8. Not at all.

What does the Rotary Club do?

This is Rotary’s own charity, and Club members support international projects through the programs of The Rotary Foundation. The Foundation was created in 1917 for the purpose of doing good in the world, and is supported almost entirely by member contributions.

What if I am unable to attend a Rotary meeting?

A member who is going to be unable to attend Rotary meetings for a while, due to illness of self or family, pressure of business, or to working abroad in a country or area without Rotary, may apply to his Club Secretary for Leave of Absence. This can be granted by Club Council for an appropriate period.

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What is a Rotary District?

Rotary Clubs are grouped geographically into Districts. Each district is administered by a District Governor, District Officers and District Committee Chairmen. These District committees reflect the committees which each individual Rotary Club maintains; the Rotary Club of Reading Maiden Erlegh is in District 1090.

What are the Rotary avenues of service?

Although the Avenues of Service described here are not found in any formal part of the constitutional documents of Rotary, the concept has been accepted as a means to describe the primary areas of Rotary activity. Involves all of the activities necessary for Rotarians to perform to make their Club function successfully.