
Why is AC maintenance important?

Why is AC maintenance important?

Energy Savings Add Up Preventative maintenance keeps air conditioners working at optimum capacity. It helps this important equipment conserve energy. Regular A/C “checkups” include thorough cleaning of blades, cooling coils, and other components. This maximizes energy efficiency, which saves you money on utility bills.

What is the most common problem with air conditioning?

Other common problems with existing air conditioners result from faulty installation, poor service procedures, and inadequate maintenance. Improper installation of a central air conditioner can result in leaky ducts and low airflow.

What happens if you don’t service your air conditioner?

A blocked condenser means the heat transfer that usually occurs won’t be able to take place and the condenser’s temperature will rise. When this happens, your HVAC unit won’t operate efficiently and if not taken care of, your condenser could burn out.

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What are the common causes of air conditioner failures?

6 Common Causes of A/C Failure

  • Faulty Circuit Breaker or Fuse. In the case of air conditioner failure, the first things you should check are your circuit breaker and fuse.
  • Refrigerant Leak.
  • Frozen Coil.
  • Damaged Fan Blades, Compressor, Electrical Connections and Contacts.
  • Neglecting Annual Maintenance.
  • Faulty Thermostat.

Is air conditioner maintenance necessary?

An air conditioner’s filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases.

Do HVAC systems require maintenance?

And even if your HVAC system is several years old, it seems to be running just fine. HVAC systems, however, do need regular maintenance. If your vehicle is older and you want to keep it on the road and working efficiently longer, regular maintenance and checkups are musts. It’s the same with an HVAC system.

How often should your AC be serviced?

How Often Is AC Service Needed? Though there can be a bit of wiggle room, generally speaking, you should have your air conditioner serviced twice yearly: once in the fall and once in the spring. This is to ensure that it’s clean, that its parts are in good shape and that it’s operating as optimally as possible.

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How long should an air conditioning system last?

Though the lifespan of a home air conditioner varies based on many factors, those that are well-maintained should last 10 to 15 years. And by completing regular checkups and repairs – both big and small – many systems can last even longer.

How often should you service your air conditioner?

Do air conditioners need annual maintenance?

It’s recommended that you service your home air conditioning system at least once every year. While it’s always a good idea to do some regular check-ins and cleaning throughout the year to make sure your system is running smoothly, a once-annual air conditioner service appointment is always essential.

How often do air conditioners need to be serviced?

How often should you get air conditioner serviced?

once every year
It’s recommended that you service your home air conditioning system at least once every year. The same goes for your heating system.

What happens if you don’t maintain your air conditioner?

And not maintaining your air conditioner shortens that lifespan. You can see why from ENERGY STAR’s maintenance checklist. For example: Over time, your air conditioner’s coils get dirty. Dirty coils cause your air conditioner to run longer. Meaning that it increases energy costs and reduces the life of the equipment .

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Do I really need to have my air conditioner serviced every year?

Why Annual Air Conditioner Maintenance Isn’t Really Necessary. You’ve probably heard that your air conditioner needs to be maintained at least once a year. However, (and this may come as a shock coming from an HVAC contractor) annual air conditioner maintenance isn’t absolutely necessary (if you’re a risk taker.)

What is the most important maintenance on an air conditioner?

Air Conditioner Filters. The most important maintenance task that will ensure the efficiency of your air conditioner is to routinely replace or clean its filters. Clogged, dirty filters block normal airflow and reduce a system’s efficiency significantly.

How long does an air conditioner last?

It turns out, the answer is mostly good news—with a few precautions you need to take. In general, today’s air conditioners are made to last. Many are meant to run for decades, and are expected to run daily for months at a time.