Tips and tricks

What is allowed in UPSC exam hall?

What is allowed in UPSC exam hall?

Candidate must remember to carry UPSC Civil Services (Main) Admit Card in each session of the IAS Exam. The candidate must not possess mobile phones, electronic gadgets, digital watches, calculators, and any other such devices, while inside the IAS exam hall.

Is exam pad allowed in UPSC?

Writing pad is not allowed. You can carry medicine, there is no issue in that. After 2–3 exams, the invigilator asked him to eat the same before sitting in exams.

Can we carry water bottle in UPSC exam?

RIB refers to the roll number, identity card and ball-point pen. Given the strictness amidst the growing number of cheating cases, the security staff do not let an aspirant carry anything else in the exam hall except the RIB. Not even watch or water bottle. Candidates will also get ample water supply during the exam.

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Which pen is used in UPSC Prelims?

The best pen UPSC Prelims exam is a black ballpoint pen. UPSC in its instructions it is mentioned using a black ballpoint pen.

Is there any age limit for UPSC?

As per the official notification, the Civil Services age limit for UPSC is between 21 and 32 years of age. Age relaxation of 3 years is added to the civil service age limit for OBC, making the maximum age for UPSC 35 years for the OBC category.

Can I carry my mobile phone into the exam hall?

You are not allowed to carry any electronic gadgets into the exam hall as specifically mentioned by the commission in the exam rules. So, refrain from carrying them. Your mobile phones have to be submitted to them before entering the hall, so make sure you carry a bag in which to safe-keep it.

Is it necessary to wear a watch during the UPSC exam?

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The UPSC allows analog watches for candidates. It is advisable to wear one so that you can always be aware of how much time has passed and how much is left. There is no need to depend on the invigilator for it. Please remember smartwatches or digital ones are not allowed.

How to prepare for UPSC entrance exam?

Candidates should remember to take a printout of the admit card from the official website of the UPSC. Make sure your photograph is clearly visible on it. Otherwise, please carry a valid photo ID card such as Aadhar card, PAN card, passport, driving license, etc. along with the e-Admit card.

Can I carry a smartwatch in the exam hall?

There is no need to depend on the invigilator for it. Please remember smartwatches or digital ones are not allowed. These are the instructions that gives details on the prohibited actions. You are not allowed to carry any electronic gadgets into the exam hall as specifically mentioned by the commission in the exam rules.