
How do you compliment a Mexican woman?

How do you compliment a Mexican woman?

Ok, we’re being a bit tongue in cheek; there’s much more to making friends than tossing meaningless compliments at strangers, and a compliment is only as good as it is sincere….Spanish compliments for women.

Spanish English
Estás hermosa. You look beautiful.
Te ves estupenda You look stupendous
¡Eres lista! You’re smart!

What is the greatest compliment?

The 15 Best Compliments You Could Ever Give/Receive

  • You are nothing less than special.
  • You are one of a kind.
  • You always make people smile.
  • You are always there for me.
  • You always see the bright side (of things).
  • You would make/you are a beautiful mother/father.
  • You always throw a great party.

How do you give a beautiful compliment?

Complimenting the Whole Person

  1. I appreciate you.
  2. You are perfect just the way you are.
  3. You are enough.
  4. You’re all that and a super-size bag of chips.
  5. On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
  6. You’ve got all the right moves.
  7. Everything would be better if more people were like you.
  8. You are an incredible human.
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What do you call a Mexican woman?

La mujer/muchacha/chica/etc. mexicana for mexican woman.

Is Guapo a compliment?

Now, here are some Spanish compliments to a man: Qué guapo. “How handsome.” Qué bonito.

What do you say to a beautiful girl in Spanish?

Beautiful Spanish: 15 Romantic Words for “Beautiful” in Spanish

  • Bello / Bella – “Beautiful”
  • Bonito / Bonita – “Pretty” or “Nice”
  • Guapo / Guapa – “Handsome”
  • Lindo / Linda – “Lovely”
  • Bueno/Buena – “Good Looking”
  • Hermoso/Hermosa – “Gorgeous”
  • Atractivo/Atractiva – “Attractive”
  • Radiante – “Radiant”

Can you call a girl Lindo?

Bonita is closer to beautiful, lindo to cute or nice, and hermosa to gorgeous. All three can be said about people, pets, or things, but hermosa in particular can carry a note of seduction or sexuality, depending on the situation.

Can you call a guy Hermosa?

I’ve seen all of these used to mean ‘pretty’, although ‘hermosa’ seems to mean beautiful and ‘guapa’ seems to mean handsome. Are there any subtle differences them? For instance, in English being beautiful is a much higher compliment than being pretty. Do these words have different levels of praise to them as well?