
Should I study biomedical science or biochemistry?

Should I study biomedical science or biochemistry?

Biochemistry requires good foundational chemistry whereas Biomedical doesn’t. The sheer amount of foundational chemistry needed is a lot, and combined with the already in-depth biology knowledge you have to memorise, it is definitely the more challenging course.

Is biochemistry better than biomedical engineering?

Here’s the long answer: the difference between BME and Biochem is really one of preference, not success/prestige. BME is a better fit for those students that are interested in using their med background to help develop new technologies.

Can I become a doctor with a biochemistry degree?

Yes, you can get into medical school with a biochemistry degree. Students choose disciplines like chemistry, biology, physiology more often to prepare for med school.

Is biomedical science or biochemistry more difficult?

Most student who do such degrees and move on to medical degrees will tell you their bioscience degree was probably more challenging! Deciding to undertake biomedical science or biochemistry is a big decision since most students will find all three years to be relatively difficult.

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What is a biochemistry degree?

Biochemistry is a degree that teaches students about the chemical processes occurring within living organisms. It is very similar to biomedical sciences in that you have to study core modules such as genetics, cell biology, and molecular biology.

What is a biomedical science course like?

The biomedical science course is usually 3 year. In the first year, the lectures are spent bringing everyone up to speed on the usual biology content such as immunology, human physiology, cell biology and basic biochemistry. All these modules will be introductory.

Is biochemistry the hardest subject in Uni?

To answer your question, Biochemistry is probably the harder subject. The sheer amount of foundational chemistry needed is a lot, and combined with the already in-depth biology knowledge you have to memorise, it is definitely the more challenging course.