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Do the Infinity Stones still exist in MCU?

Do the Infinity Stones still exist in MCU?

As revealed in Avengers: Endgame, Thanos (Josh Brolin) used their power to unmake them, forcing the Avengers into committing a Time Heist to reverse the effects of the Blip. Nevertheless, the Stones continue to exist thanks to variant timelines and that Multiverse that Marvel keeps teasing.

Will the Infinity Stones come back in the MCU?

According to Joe and Anthony Russo, directors of the last two Avengers blockbusters, the Infinity Stones still exist in the MCU. “Thanos only reduced the stones to the atomic level,” they said in a 2019 Q&A.

Which Infinity Stones have been found in MCU?

Space Stone. The Space Stone wasn’t initially identified as such. Instead, it was introduced as the Tesseract, first…

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  • Reality Stone. Like the Power Stone, the Reality Stone (or Aether, as it is known to the Asgardians and their enemies…
  • Power Stone. The Power Stone was introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy. As revealed…
  • When did the Infinity Stones first appear in the MCU?

    The Stones/Gems/big shiny things that make everything go bye bye were first introduced in 1972’s Marvel Premiere, but really brought into the comic mainstream in 1990/91’s The Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos brought the Infinity Stones together in his Infinity Gauntlet.

    Who has the Soul Stone in the MCU?

    13 With Hela . It’s very likely the MCU will be retconning Hela (played by the ever-impressive Cate Blanchett) because having her as Loki’s daughter, Hel, could prove to be a tricky elaboration. To make her a truly intimidating power player in the third “Thor” film, though, one potentially major plot twist may well be that she has the Soul Stone.

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    Who can wield the Infinity Stones (MCU)?

    The Infinity Stones were six immensely powerful gem-like objects tied to different aspects of the universe, created by the Big Bang. Only beings of immense power can directly wield the Stones, such as Celestials , and the Mad Titan Thanos .