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What is an example of Quixotic?

What is an example of Quixotic?

The definition of quixotic is romantic behavior or following beliefs even though they are foolish or unreachable goals. An example of quixotic is a young man in love behaving foolishly or wildly.

What does it mean if someone is quixotic?

Definition of quixotic 1 : foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. 2 : capricious, unpredictable.

What makes a quixotic hero unique?

Romeo and Juliet are quixotic heroes. They each have idealistic views of love, make rash decisions, and stay persistent to be with each other, despite the obstacles they face.

Is quixotic good or bad?

Given that dictionary entry, it seems like quixotic can be interpreted in either of two ways: positively (ambitiously idealistic) negatively (unrealistic and not grounded in reality).

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How do you use quixotic?

Quixotic in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Although Jack’s plan for killing the giant was quixotic, it was the village’s only hope.
  2. Henry knew running for class president was a quixotic idea, but he was not going to let his enemy run unopposed.

Who wrote Don Quixote?

Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote/Authors
This episode in Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote, first published in 1605, is the most comically iconic scene in the novel and often the only thing that springs to mind when thinking about it.

Is Don Quixote quixotic?

What a wonderful word quixotic is! While it is most often used to mean equally impractical and idealistic, it also has the sense of romantic nobility. Its source is from the great Spanish novel “Don Quixote,” whose title character is given to unrealistic schemes and great chivalry.

What is the chimerical all about?

Definition of chimerical 1 : existing only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary (see visionary entry 1 sense 2) or improbable chimerical dreams of economic stability. 2 : given to fantastic schemes She’s a chimerical optimist infused with utopian visions.

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Why is quixotic not pronounced like Quixote?

Answer: It’s because the title character of the novel by Miguel de Cervantes, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, is so popular in so many countries, it is pronounced variously as “Kee-HO-tay” (Spanish), “Kee-SHOT” (French), “Kwix-OH-tee” (some Americans), and many other ways throughout the world.

What is a Don Quixote complex?

We have discussed the Don Quixote Complex, a state where fact and fiction get mixed up. In the novel written in the early 1600s by Miguel de Cervantes, the protagonist Alonso Quijano assumes a new identity in order to act according to the ideals he has adopted from chivalric romance novels.

Is quixotic a good skill?

Quixotic is a risk-reward type of skill. The hit bonuses and skill activation rates increase for both the user and the enemy they are battling with. It is a decent skill for units that need an accuracy boost or increased activation rate due to low skill.

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How do you use quixotic in a sentence?