Tips and tricks

Why do you feel anxious around certain people?

Why do you feel anxious around certain people?

Family conflict, trauma, abuse, or other negative life events may also be linked to the condition. New social or work demands. Meeting new people, giving a speech, or having to make an important presentation at work may trigger social anxiety disorder symptoms. Having an appearance or condition that attracts attention.

Can being around someone give you anxiety?

It’s true—stress from others can affect your own stress levels, and have an impact on your health. A 2009 study published in the Public Library of Science found that when people are stressed they release a chemical that can be inhaled by those around them, causing these people to become more anxious, as well.

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How do I stop being nervous around a certain person?

What you can do to overcome nervousness

  1. Don’t be afraid of nervousness. In an uncomfortable situation, remind yourself that nervousness is normal, and it can even be helpful.
  2. Be prepared.
  3. Get into a positive headspace.
  4. Talk to someone.
  5. Try a relaxation technique.

Why can’t I talk around certain people?

Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often. It usually starts during childhood and, if left untreated, can persist into adulthood.

Why are you confident around certain people but anxious around others?

You are confident around certain people due to your perception feeling superior to them and inferior to those who make you feel anxious. The way the media portray certain racial profiles may have an affect to some degree in making you feel anxious.

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Why do I feel nervous around my family?

So you may be nervous and feel less confident around your family or relatives because you’re afraid of losing control. You want to remain the one in charge of your life, and it’s harder to do that when you’re around people who have been able to control you in the past. (And who may feel like they deserve to continue controlling you now.)

Why do some people feel uncomfortable around certain people?

Some socially awkward types have the problem of being a bit too uneasy around certain types of people. Here are the big ones: When someone is intimidated by really outgoing people they’re usually worried they’ll get overwhelmed by their talkativeness and not be able to keep up in the conversation.

Why am I scared of being around my family?

It’s a way of getting a feeling of independence. In psychology, this process is called individuation, and it’s actually a healthy thing to do.) So you may be nervous and feel less confident around your family or relatives because you’re afraid of losing control.