
Which Dojutsu is stronger Sharingan or byakugan?

Which Dojutsu is stronger Sharingan or byakugan?

Between the two I would have to say that the Byakugan does beat the Sharingan. Many of the Sharingans abilities are done better by the Byakugan, such as the the Byakugans better vision, Chakra seeing capabilities, etc.

Which is better Sharingan or byakugan?

The Sharingan is stronger than the Byakugan. In fact, in terms of Powers, Byakugan is the arguably the weakest out of all the Dojutsu. But, in terms of Visual Ability, Byakugan is the best one. No other Dojutsu comes even close to the clarity, detail, range and versatality the Byakugan grants to it’s weilder’s eyes.

Do you need 3 Tomoe Sharingan to get mangekyou?

Yes because as shown with Obito/Kakashi, the Sharingan will advance into 3 tomoe and then become a Mangekyo Sharingan. Like can you get the MS when you only had one tomoe?

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Can the Sharingan have more than 3 Tomoe?

It is not unheard of for a Sharingan user to have different numbers of tomoe in each eye. He evolved it to three in each eye during his battle with Naruto at the Valley of the End. A fully-matured Sharingan has three tomoe in each eye.

Is Jougan a Byakugan?

Boruto creators have repeatedly stated that the Jougan is not related to the byakugan. This kekkei genkai has been said to be something new, or rather something too old to be a part of what is known. So officially, the Jougan is not related to the byakugan.

Can the Byakugan turn into the Sharingan?

They can’t. As you see, Kaguya had 2 sons: Hogoromo (Sage Of 6 Paths) and Hamura (the one with Bayakugan). While Rinnengan and Sharingan are totally different from Bayakugan. As both Sharingan and Rinnegan originate from Rinne Sharingan.

Is there a one Tomoe Sharingan?

When first awakened, each Sharingan usually will have only one tomoe (巴), although in some case, they immediately gained two tomoe in each of their eyes. Through emotional growth of extreme conditions, the Sharingan will continue to develop, its full maturation represented by a third tomoe.

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How many Tomoe does Sasuke?

The Rinnegan Sasuke has is quite unique, it has 6 tomoe split between its first two ripples, this doesn’t mean nothing, it indicates the Rinnegan is fully charged.

Is there a one tomoe Sharingan?

What is the difference between the Sharingan and Byakugan?

The vision of the Sharingan is limited to those of normal eyes, as in “no 360 degree vision”. Kakashi even stated, that the Byakugan’s insight is superior to that of the Sharingan and it was seen that the Byakugan can follow high speed movements, which was seen in Chapter 85 .

Does the Sharingan make visual genjutsu possible?

The Sharingan making visual Genjutsu possible is an amazing feat, the Byakugan has a comparable feat though. It can extend the range of Genjutsu, the prove is in Chapter 671 and that it can see through Genjutsu can be seen in Chapter 394, 459 and 461 too.

Does the Byakugan have a blind spot?

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As Ace stated already, if we consider the blindspot of the Byakugan as a weakness, then has the Sharingan the same weakness and at a bigger extend. The vision of the Sharingan is limited to those of normal eyes, as in “no 360 degree vision”.

What is the difference between Sharingan and Geass?

The Sharingan is much more oriented for direct combat while Geass is better at manipulating people and indirect combat. Sharingan users are most often warriors on the front line while Geass users are most often puppet masters. Sharingan is the dojutsu possessed by the people of the Uchiha Clan (Naruto).