
Are INFJs hard to understand?

Are INFJs hard to understand?

INFJs often feel misunderstood. We all know that INFJs value personal integrity very highly. No, the reason INFJs are confusing is because they are complex people who are struggling to understand themselves. But once they do, they can use their plethora of paradoxes to truly make the world a better place.

Why can’t people understand INFJ?

People with INFJ personality types are not sharing common traits with most of the other people. Therefore, they feel isolated and other people tend to find it difficult to understand them as they’re different from majority of population.

How do you understand INFJ?

Here are 8 tips to help you better understand the INFJ personality type.

  1. Accept that you will never really understand the INFJ.
  2. Listen to what your INFJ is not saying.
  3. Know that INFJs really aren’t that serious.
  4. If you’re not happy, your INFJ is not happy.
  5. INFJs can be stubborn.
  6. INFJs can forgive, but we never forget.
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Are INFJ self aware?

INFJs are highly introspective and self-aware, which explains our tendency for overthinking. We also crave deep meaning and purpose in life, which can make us feel restless and out of place as we see our peers going about their day with such casualness.

What do INFJs like to think about?

INFJs enjoy thinking about deep topics and contemplating the meaning of life. The INFJ type is said to be one of the rarest with just one to three percent of the population exhibiting this personality type.

Do INFJ’s get called Weird?

INFJs do find themselves being called weird or strange fairly often, even from a young age. They can be viewed as “old souls” or be misunderstood because of the way they keep things to themselves.

Why do INFJs withdraw from people?

INFJs withdraw to protect themselves. INFJs don’t like to shut people out completely, but we do so to protect ourselves from getting hurt, for example, from people who betray our trust and kindness. Also, we don’t shut people out after they make one mistake.

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Are INFJs introverted or extroverted?

Because INFJ’s are introverted they are primarily focused on their internal life. However, because they are also feeling, they have an external focus on the world around them. This means that while they are introverted, they also have a real need for companionship and close bonds with others.