
What kind of student is Berkeley looking for?

What kind of student is Berkeley looking for?

Berkeley wants students who are intelligent, leaders, passionate about what they’re studying, and will have a positive impact on campus. To show Berkeley that you’re the type of student they want to admit, you should aim to take difficult classes and get good grades in them (aim for an unweighted GPA of about 4.3).

What are students at Stanford like?

Stanford students are driven and ambitious, but also highly engaged with the world around them and deeply concerned about making an impact. They are high-achievers but also some of the most driven to give back to the places they came from and the people that allowed them to find their success.

What is the difference between UC Berkeley and Stanford University?

At home, Stanford has won a record 123 NCAA championships and 149 national titles overall, while UC Berkeley has won 97 national team titles and has a combined 312 championships across team and individual sporting events. Greek life is also prevalent at both UC Berkeley and Stanford.

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What is the student population at UC Berkeley?

UC Berkeley is home to 31,348 undergraduate2 along with 11,856 graduates for a total enrollment of 43,204 students. The student-faculty ratio at UC Berkeley is 19:1 and 52.9\% of classes have fewer than 20 students in them. One major difference between Stanford and UC Berkeley is student body size.

What is the student population at Stanford University?

Stanford’s total enrollment is just 20,102 students—6,994 undergraduates and 9,310 graduate and professional students. Another noticeable difference is class size; Stanford has an impressive 5:1 student-faculty ratio and almost 70\% of classes have fewer than 20 students in them.

Do you have to live on campus at Stanford University?

Contrary to UC Berkeley, first-year Stanford students are required to live on campus and the majority of undergraduates remain there; 97\% of Stanford students live on campus, where housing is guaranteed all four years. The costs of attending these schools differ greatly, particularly if you are a California resident.