
Where did the fellowship travel?

Where did the fellowship travel?

The Ring has found its way to the young hobbit Frodo Baggins. The fate of Middle-earth hangs in the balance as Frodo and eight companions (who form the Fellowship of the Ring) begin their journey to Mount Doom in the land of Mordor, the only place where the Ring can be destroyed.

How long did the Fellowship of the Ring travel?

On T.A. 3019, March 25, when Gollum bites off Frodo’s finger, the ring is finally destroyed when it falls into the fires of the mountain. From leaving The Shire, it took the two hobbits six months to complete their quest.

Did they go to Rivendell in The Hobbit?

Imladris at the time of the War of the Ring Years later, Frodo Baggins and his Hobbit companions journeyed to Rivendell, where they met with Bilbo, who had retired there after his eleventy-first birthday.

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How far did the fellowship travel?

The journey was 1,350 miles, which is kind of like walking from Los Angeles, California to Austin, Texas.

Why did Frodo decide to leave the fellowship?

Frodo left Middle-earth because of what happened to him during Lord of the Rings. He experienced two injuries which never completely faded, meaning he couldn’t stay and be happy in Middle-earth. Frodo recovered, and didn’t let his injury stop him from fulfilling his goal and destroying the Ring at the end of the movie.

Why did Frodo leave the fellowship Reddit?

Book Answer: He did not want anyone else to die on a hopeless journey. Besides, he was shaken by the experience with Boromir. He attempted to refuse Sam.

How long do Gandalf and Bilbo stay at Rivendell?

They stay for fourteen days, until midsummer, eating, singing, and telling tales. Elrond identifies their swords as having come from dragon plunder or the Goblin-wars and translates their runes: Thorin’s sword is named Orcrist and Gandalf’s is Glamdring.

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How is Rivendell described in the books?

Rivendell, also known as Imladris in Sindarin, was an Elven town and the house of Elrond located in Middle-earth. It is described as “The Last Homely House East of the Sea” in reference to Valinor, which was west of the Great Sea in Aman.

Why did Frodo have to leave Aragorn and Legolas behind?

From another point of view, he leaves because he has developed the self-reliance and skills to complete the quest without mentors and he must now perform his quest independently to complete the hero’s journey. Originally Answered: In Fellowship of the Ring, why did Frodo need to go it alone, leaving Aragorn and Legolas behind?

What happened to Frodo when he put the ring on?

When Frodo comes to, the other hobbits are standing over him. When he put the Ring on, they saw only shadows rushing by and Frodo disappearing and then reappearing, collapsed on the ground. The Black Riders are gone, having been repulsed by Strider’s defense and by the Elven names Frodo invoked.

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What do merrymerry and Pippin decide to do with Frodo?

Merry and Pippin don’t want to leave Frodo, and decide to try to persuade him to come with them to Minas Tirith, but also decide to follow Frodo if he chooses to go East. The company allow Frodo to wander off and have a think about what is best to do.

What happens to Glorfindel and Strider in The Lord of the Rings?

The party walks on through the night and rests only a few hours before heading out again at dawn. After another hard day’s march, they stop again. Glorfindel and Strider, despite their desire to push on, are forced to stop, as the hobbits are exhausted.