
What is a meaning of safe and sound?

What is a meaning of safe and sound?

Out of danger and unharmed, as in It was a challenging climb, so I’m relieved they got home safe and sound. [ c. 1300]

Why do they call it safe and sound?

This saying comes from the history of Britain – Because we are an island, ships and the navy have always been impotant to us. When a ship is sound it means it has no leaks. So, to be safe and to be sound means to be in harbour with no damage to the ship – quite a relief after a rough voyage.

What is the meaning of safe *?

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1 : free from harm or risk : unhurt. 2a : secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss. b : successful at getting to a base in baseball without being put out. 3 : affording safety or security from danger, risk, or difficulty.

Is formal safe and sound?

Yes, safe and sound is fine, including in a formal context, and I’d always choose this. It’s a standard formula. I’d avoid “well”. “Safely” (by itself) is also correct.

What does sound asleep mean?

Definitions of sound asleep. adjective. sleeping deeply. “he’s sound asleep” synonyms: fast asleep asleep.

How do you know someone is safe?

Better Ways to Say ‘Hope You’re Staying Safe and Healthy’ in a Work Email

  1. “I hope all is well.”
  2. “Hang in there.”
  3. “I know we’ve got this!”
  4. “Let me know if you need anything.”
  5. “Best wishes.”
  6. “Thinking of you all.”
  7. “I hope you and your families are safe and healthy.”

What does it mean to work safe?

work-safeadjective. That can be viewed from one’s workplace without the risk of disciplinary action; not graphic or offensive.

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What type of word is safe?

As detailed above, ‘safe’ can be an adjective or a noun. Adjective usage: You’ll be safe here. Adjective usage: It’s safe to eat this.

Is safe and sound informal?

Senior Member. Yes, safe and sound is fine, including in a formal context, and I’d always choose this. It’s a standard formula.

Whats the meaning of now and then?

: from time to time : occasionally now and then we go off to the country.

What does the phrase ‘safe and sound’ mean?

The phrase “safe and sound” is usually used when we talk about the end of a trip: e.g., We arrived home safe and sound. Sound is a noun, verb, and adjective. In the phrase “safe and sound” sound is an adjective and it means: “healthy, in good condition, free from injury, no damage, no accidents.”

What does the song Safe and sound by Capital Cities Mean?

General CommentIntentionally or unintentionally, Capital Cities’ “Safe and Sound” is full of Christian imagery and Biblical allusions. Read in a Christian context, it positions Jesus as the song’s speaker or narrator, using his voice to powerfully express the faithful promises of God.

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How do you use the word safe in a sentence?

safe; not hurt or harmed: Fortunately, the police found the missing children safe and sound. safe and sound. Out of danger and unharmed. This alliterative description dates from at least 1300, when it appeared in a Middle English treatise, Cursor Mundi, by an unknown author, and has been repeated ever since.