
What does a state need to be legitimate quizlet?

What does a state need to be legitimate quizlet?

1) Legitimacy: This will occur when citizens agree for the right of the state to rule over them and accept authority usually through a governing law.

What gives the US government its legitimacy?

For Americans, the basis of legitimacy for governments is spelled out in the Declaration of Independence: the just powers of government are derived from the consent of the governed.

What ensures a legitimate government quizlet?

One that has the right to govern from the people it rules. A legitimate government is seen by other nations as: Being in control of Nation; deserving of formal recognition by other governments.

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Is the power that is recognized as legitimate?

Authority refers to the use of power that is seen as legitimate or socially approved/recognized.

How can legitimacy be secured in a state?

State legitimacy can derive from a range of sources, including the effectiveness of public institutions in their performance of various functions, such as service delivery, taxation and social protection systems; and their degree of representation and accountability.

What is legitimate is Recognised by law?

Legitimate is a Latin word, meaning to make something lawful. It basically means adhering or conforming to the laws/rules. Saying that something is legitimate makes it right, gives it an authoritative or binding character.

How do you know if you are legitimate or illegitimate?

The legal status of a child at birth refers to the marital status of its mother. “Legitimate” children are those whose parents are married. The birth is considered as being “outside marriage” (formerly “illegitimate”) when this is not the case.

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What are the 4 types of legitimacy?

The French political scientist Mattei Dogan’s contemporary interpretation of Weber’s types of political legitimacy (traditional, charismatic, legal-rational) proposes that they are conceptually insufficient to comprehend the complex relationships that constitute a legitimate political system in the 21st century.

What are the factors that determine legitimacy?

Factors That Determine Legitimacy The following are the factors that determine legitimacy: 1. Popular Participation: For a political system to be legitimate, the various interest group such as the pressure group etc must be allowed to take part.

What are the pros and cons of legitimacy?

1. Legitimacy encourages political stability in a state when the citizen see their government as a legitimate body, majority will voluntarily obey his law. This reduce disobedience to the laws of the states. 2. Strikes and violent demonstration will be less (non-existent).

What is legitimacy of political authority?

On a widely held alternative view, legitimacy is linked to the justification of political authority. On this view, political bodies such as states may be effective, or de facto , authorities, without being legitimate.

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How to improve legitimacy of the state?

The development of state capacity to manage competing interests and to be responsive to citizen’s needs thus has the potential to improve legitimacy.