Tips and tricks

Can I become event manager without degree?

Can I become event manager without degree?

Study the profession While it’s perfectly possible to get into event management without a degree, you’ll still need a good knowledge-base to build on. Not to mention, some way of demonstrating your passion and commitment to employers and clients alike.

How do I become a event planner without a degree?

How to get into event planning with no experience

  1. Get an education. Consider pursuing an education in event planning or a similar field.
  2. Earn professional certifications.
  3. Find your niche.
  4. Engage online through social media.
  5. Attend local events.
  6. Research industry leaders.
  7. Find a mentor.
  8. Volunteer with local organizations.

How do wedding planners get paid?

charges a design and planning retainer fee and production fee at a flat rate. Her vendor management and coordination percentage fees are calculated on a percentage of the total vendor and venue cost. “This is standard practice in the industry and is typically 20 percent,” Hosaki said.

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What can you do with an event management degree?

Well, as an event management graduate, you can take up the job of a marketing or communications manager in a mid-size or large-size organisation. If you take up this role, you will be responsible for organising promotional events for the company’s products and services.

Should you start your own business or work for an event agency?

As an event manager, you have the choice of starting your own business, working for an event planning agency or for a company working on their in-house events. Each path has its own exciting benefits. Don’t feel as though you need to limit yourself to one throughout your career, many people find themselves swapping between them over the years.

How to start a career in Event Management in Berlin?

If you are also interested in starting a career in event management, take up the MA in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management course offered by Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI). Known for its high-quality education and international setting, BSBI is a reputed business school located in the heart of the city.

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What is an in-house event management role?

Working in-house on company events means that you’ll become an expert on your ‘client’, knowing the ins and outs of the company you work for. In-house events teams are often smaller, meaning that you’ll get to experience the total variety that an event management role can offer.