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Does Microsoft have a QA team?

Does Microsoft have a QA team?

They’re quite useful as an adjunct to professional testers. But Microsoft now uses them instead of professional testers. After all, they’re free.

What is the latest version of Windows 10?

Windows 10

General availability July 29, 2015
Latest release 21H2 (10.0.19044.1387) (November 22, 2021) [±]
Latest preview 21H2 (10.0.19044.1387) (November 22, 2021) [±]
Marketing target Personal computing
Support status

Did Microsoft fire their QA team?

> Microsoft used to have an army of testers who would do a mix of manual and automated testing to help ensure the quality of the product. In 2014 they were all fired.

What is Windows 10 being replaced with?

The most suitable replacement will be Windows 10 21H2, the refresh released in October 2021 that also offered two-and-a-half years of support.

Does Facebook have QA?

Facebook doesn’t have testers and doesn’t need to produce particularly high-quality software. Priestley says it’s “mostly true” that Facebook does not have a separate group of testers or QA people, and that the social networking giant mainly relies on automated testing.

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What happened to Microsoft’s hardware testing?

The company moved most of the testing to virtual machines and this meant according to Berg that tests were no longer conducted on real and diverse hardware configurations for the most part. Microsoft employees could self-host Windows which would mean that their machines would also be used for testing purposes.

What happened to Microsoft’s Windows Test team?

Microsoft laid off almost the entire Windows Test team as it moved the focus from three different systems — Windows, Windows Mobile and Xbox — to a single system.

What is Microsoft doing with its in-house testing team?

Microsoft exchanged the in-house Testing team with Telemetry data that it gathers from Insider Builds that it pushes to consumer and business devices, and replaced much of the PCs that it used for testing with virtual environments.

Will Microsoft’s quality assurance team be the target of cuts?

Bloomberg says Microsoft’s quality assurance team might be the target of cuts, but that borders on the unthinkable. We’ve covered the news that CEO Satya Nadella is looking at making some significant cuts at Microsoft. This should come as no surprise and may even be welcomed by some.