
What can I do if my ex-girlfriend keeps hitting me?

What can I do if my ex-girlfriend keeps hitting me?

Call the police. Go to the courthouse and get an order of protection; (depending on the country/state you are in.) You don’t need a lawyer. You can do the paperwork yourself. If she does it again (and you live) she will be taken to jail (a felony,) and have to answer for it in court.

What to do after a physical attack on your spouse?

My advice to separate immediately after a physical attack, take photos of the injury, go to a hospital for verification, and report it to the police is not designed to end the marriage. Its purpose is to keep the abused spouse safe while the perpetrator has an opportunity to completely overcome his or her angry outbursts.

Is it normal for a spouse to hit you during an argument?

Many people think that an angry moment, where a spouse loses control and hits their spouse in the heat of an argument, is a common experience in marriage. When it happens for the first times, they think that it’s something that they should be able to forgive and then move on.

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Should you put your hands on your spouse when you’re angry?

By no means should anybody, in any relationship, put their hands on their spouse in anger. Hitting, pushing, shoving, slapping, punching, kicking, and biting is absolutely unacceptable in a relationship. It is unhealthy, dangerous, and should not be tolerate by you, and it should not be tolerated by your wife as well.

Is it better to be married to your best friend?

It’s well-documented that marriage is good for individual health, well-being, and longevity, and the same is true for friendship. Married people also tend to rely less on friendships than single people do. But that’s not because their spouses have stepped into the best friend role — it’s because everyone else has.

Do husbands expect their wives to be their best friends?

Husbands who expect their wives to be their best friends may develop impractical expectations of how they should support them and their decisions. If a man were to quit his job to pursue a passion for carpentry, a friend could easily be his cheerleader. But his wife?