
What is meant by Balkan region?

What is meant by Balkan region?

The Balkans are usually characterized as comprising Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia—with all or part of each of those countries located within the peninsula.

What is Balkan region in history?

The term Balkan Peninsula was a synonym for Rumelia in the 19th century, the European provinces of the Ottoman Empire. It had a geopolitical rather than a geographical definition, which was further promoted during the creation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the early 20th century.

What are was known as Balkan?

The vast territory lying between the Black sea and the Adriatic sea comprising the modern states of Romania, Albania, Greece, Croatia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro was known as the Balkans.

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What is Balkan region Class 10?

The Balkan region comprises modern day countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro. The inhabitants of Balkan were known as Slavs.

What do you mean by Balkan states Class 12?

plural noun. the countries in the Balkan Peninsula: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and the European part of Turkey.

What is nation state Class 10?

Nation-State. The nation-state “is one where the great majority are conscious of a common identity and share the same culture”. In modern times nation is recognised as ‘the’ political community that ensures the legitimacy of the state over its territory, and transforms the state into the state of all its citizens.

What countries are in the Balkan Peninsula?


  • Bulgaria
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kosovo
  • Macedonia
  • Montenegro
  • What are the 12 Balkan countries?

    Albania. The capital of the country is Tirana.

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  • Bosnia and Herzegovina. The capital is Sarajevo.
  • Bulgaria. The capital is Sofia.
  • Croatia. The area of Croatia is 56,594 square kilometers,and the area of the territory within the Balkan Region is 31,009 square kilometers.
  • Montenegro.
  • Kosovo.
  • Macedonia.
  • Romania.
  • Serbia.
  • Slovenia.
  • What countries make up the Balkans?

    Albania. Capital: Tirana. Population: 2.7 million inhabitants.

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina. Capital city: Sarajevo. Population: 3.8 million inhabitants.
  • Bulgaria. Capital: Sofia. Population: 7.2 million inhabitants.
  • Greece. Capital: Athens. Population: 10.8 million inhabitants.
  • Macedonia. Capital: Skopje. Population: 2 million.
  • Montenegro. Capital: Podgorica.
  • How many countries are in the Balkans?

    The Balkan countries are Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Greece. The European section of Turkey also lies within the Balkan Peninsula.