
Can you see who like YouTube comments?

Can you see who like YouTube comments?

There is no way to see who liked your YouTube comment, and likewise there is no way to see who gave you a downvote. YouTube keeps these comment likes or dislikes private for the safety and security of users, but it’s likely a safe bet anyone who left a positive comment on your comment also liked it.

Do YouTube channels know who’s watching?

Can YouTubers see who viewed their video? YouTubers cannot see exactly who has viewed their video, but they can see the percentage of how many viewers are a certain age or what gender they are.

How do I know who watched my YouTube video?

The Audience tab in YouTube Analytics gives you an overview of who’s watching your videos and insights on their demographics….Check out your audience for your entire channel, or choose a specific video first.

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Analytics.
  3. From the top menu, select Audience.
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How do you view your liked comments on YouTube?

YouTube has added the ability to see all your comment history. All you have to do is to sign in to your YouTube account and go to History > Comments on videos history tab.

Can you see who viewed your YouTube playlist?

You’ll be able to see the total number of video views from your playlists, how many times your viewers started watching a playlist, the average time they watched, and more. …

Can Youtubers see hidden comments?

Can I review comments from hidden users? No. Comments from hidden users don’t show in YouTube Studio.

How do I view comments on a YouTube video?

Channel links that are subscribed to him/her (Red underline: user, Green: Channel……..) Open the links and find the comments that you want if it’s a video with few comments you will sight the comment easily if not then what you need to do is following the picture

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Will YouTube’s new comments feature increase or decrease user engagement?

It’s unclear if this change will reduce or increase user engagement with comments, or if engagement will remain flat — something that YouTube likely wants to find out, too. On the one hand, comments are hidden unless the user manually taps on the button to reveal them — users won’t happen upon them by scrolling down.

How does YouTube detect spam comments?

YouTube detects spam based on the text of a comment, or by the behavior from a particular commenter. For instance, repeatedly posting comments can be detected as spam. Uploaders have more control over comments made on their videos. They can review your comment before it’s displayed or remove it altogether.

What happened to YouTube comments on videos with kids?

A ring of pedophiles had communicated through the comments to share videos and timestamps with one another. YouTube reacted then by disabling comments on videos with kids. More recently, it’s been considering moving kids content to a separate app.