
What is one thing you are always losing?

What is one thing you are always losing?

Everything has its own pair of legs. If you save your files on SkyDrive, at least you’ll always know where they are and how to get to them. So you could lose everything—including your computer—and you still wouldn’t lose your files.

What are things that you can lose?

Things that are easy to lose

  • Phone.
  • Camera.
  • Wallet.
  • Keys.
  • Purse / Backpack.
  • Clothing.
  • Glasses.
  • Headphones.

Can you lose true love?

True love is never forgotten. Time may fade memories and bring healing to a broken heart, but that person is never erased from your mind, their presence is never entirely forgotten. Their love will always be missed. True love leaves a permanent scar that will never fully fade.

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How do I not lose things?

Seven tips to avoid losing things

  1. Try and be organised. Put papers in labelled folders and keep them in one place.
  2. Keep small object in one place.
  3. If you lose something, try not to worry.
  4. Find ways to remind yourself of things you might lose or forget.
  5. Do one thing at a time.

Can’t take back the stone after it’s thrown?

“5 THINGS YOU CAN’T TAKE BACK A stone after it’s thrown, a word once it is spoken, an occasion once it is missed, an action when it is done, and time once it has passed.”

What are 5 things you can’t recover in life?

5 things you can’t recover in life: 1 A stone after it’s thrown 2 A word after it’s said 3 An occasion after it’s missed 4 Time after it’s gone 5 Trust after it’s lost

What is an example of material things once lost can be found?

Material things once lost can be found,non-material things once lost can never be found,the best example is life. Life is time. God gave us a heart to feel the love in everyone’s actions and not getting befooled by the fake illusions of wealth and material articles.

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What is the life after it’s gone?

The life after it’s gone. The saying, “Regrets come last,” has often posed a critical threat on the decisions we make each day. As we live through the fundamental tasks, the mistakes we have made often haunt us until the sun has set, the moon has settled and the night has deepen.

What happens if we lose the present?

If we lose the present regretting the past or feeling apprehensive about the future, we can never get it back. We should learn to live this moment since we cannot change what has happened and the future can be shaped into how we want it only if we take the required steps in the present.