
What will be the share price of Infosys in 2025?

What will be the share price of Infosys in 2025?

Infosys Ltd (500209) Stock Price Prediction, Stock Forecast for next months and years

Date Opening price Change
March 2025 Open: 3093.260 Change: 0.71 \% ▲
April 2025 Open: 3115.710 Change: -0.2 \%▼
May 2025 Open: 3107.920 Change: 1.06 \% ▲
June 2025 Open: 3147.140 Change: 0.85 \% ▲

What will be the share price of Hul in 2025?

Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (500696) Stock Price Prediction, Stock Forecast for next months and years

Date Opening price Closing price
February 2025 Open: 3192.170 Close: 3190.740
March 2025 Open: 3189.290 Close: 3217.330
April 2025 Open: 3220.330 Close: 3253.670
May 2025

Will HAL shares increase in price?

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Will Hindustan Aeronautics stock price grow / rise / go up? Yes. The HAL stock price can go up from 1287.600 INR to 1727.280 INR in one year.

What is the target of Tata Power in 2022?

Shares of Tata Power ended up 1.65\% at ₹242.85 on Thursday. The brokerage has also revised the target price to ₹225 by March 2023 instead of the earlier target price of ₹155 by March 2022.

What will be the price of Tata Motors share in 2030?

Tata motors is expected to perform better and target is Rs 1000 and above by 2030.

What is stoploss and target?

In simple term, stop loss is the amount a trader is ok to loose for the gains if the trade hits the target. So if you wish to buy a stock currently trading at ₹104, one can have a stop below ₹100 at ₹98. Once it is ok to loose ₹6, the minimum target for the trade should be 1.5 times one is ready to lose on the trade.

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