Why do I keep crying over a fictional character?

Why do I keep crying over a fictional character?

Sure, it’s normal to cry over fictional characters that don’t exist. You are “into” the book you are reading or the movie you are watching and sad events in the story bring out your emotions. It is NOT normal, however, to dwell on it. Don’t let it ruin your day or mope about it longer than it takes to dry a few tears.

Why do I get emotional over fictional characters?

When we watch a TV show or movie, we empathize with fictional characters as we would with another “real” person right in front of us. We experience psychological effects such as identification, self-other taking, and the proximity effect.

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How do you get over your fictional character?

Especially in visual fiction, many characters are portraying stereotypes of people. A good way to get over your character is to remember that he is just a representation of reality. Real people aren’t necessarily as perfect, or romantic, or witty, or uncomplicated (or whatever adjective you choose) as your fictional character.

How do you stop fantasizing about someone who does not exist?

If you are unable to stop fantasizing on your own, consider therapy or antidepressants to help break free. Discuss this option with a doctor if you are concerned about your ability to function. Remember that the character isn’t real. In the end, you fell for a character, someone who does not exist.

How do you feel when your favorite character is killed off?

If your favorite character has been killed off, or written out of the fictional world, you’ll probably be angry. Let others know about it. You will be experiencing some extreme feelings, and sometimes it’s better just to let those out. Just be careful about spoilers when dealing with popular books, movies, or TV shows.

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How do you stop thinking about a character from a book?

Cut yourself off. This is good advice for ending relationships with real people too. If you want to stop thinking about and caring about someone, cut them out of your life. This will give you room to grow, and be able to live your life without them. Don’t read the books, watch the shows or movies, or do anything involving that character.