Tips and tricks

What are the different types of scoliosis surgery?

What are the different types of scoliosis surgery?

Choices for scoliosis surgery include:

  • Posterior approach (back)
  • Anterior-posterior approach (front and back)
  • Anterior approach (front)
  • Thoracoscopic surgery (VATS, Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery)
  • Thoracoplasty (rib resection, rib removal)
  • Osteotomies (bone removal)

What are the two types of scoliosis?

There are two general categories for scoliosis:

  • Structural scoliosis is by far the most common category of scoliosis.
  • Nonstructural scoliosis, also known as functional scoliosis, results from a temporary cause and only involves a side-to-side curvature of the spine (no spinal rotation).

What is compensatory scoliosis?

Compensatory scoliosis is a spinal curve in the coronal plane which disappears when the patient sits. It may be caused by either a short leg or a pelvic tilt due to abduction or adduction contracture of the hip. There is no underlying structural abnormality.

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What is syndromic scoliosis?

Syndromic scoliosis means that a sideways curve of the spine develops as part of a syndrome. A syndrome is a condition that is made up of lots of symptoms (signs) that appear together.

What is the best surgery for scoliosis?

For scoliosis, spinal fusion using spinal instrumentation is the most common surgical procedure.

What metal is used in scoliosis surgery?

Rods are made of stainless steel or titanium. These are inert metals and not rejected by the body. Rarely, a patient may have metal allergies manifested by a reaction to costume jewelry. Patients sensitive to jewelry are usually sent to a dermatologist for testing so the appropriate metal is used in the surgery.

What are the 7 types of scoliosis?

Types of Scoliosis

  • Congenital Scoliosis. Congenital scoliosis is rare and affects one of 10,000 newborns.
  • Early Onset Scoliosis. The most common age range for scoliosis diagnosis in adolescence.
  • Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
  • Degenerative Scoliosis.
  • Neuromuscular Scoliosis.
  • Scheuermann’s Kyphosis.

What is compensatory curve in spine?

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Compensatory Curve – the curve above or below your main curve which is the largest curve. Your automatically curves the opposite way to balance you so you don’t lean to the side. Sometimes those curves are very stiff and other times they are very flexible.

What is S shaped scoliosis called?

The S-shaped variety, as the name suggests, has similarities with the letter S and is also known as double scoliosis.

Can scoliosis cause brain problems?

Conclusions: Neurological symptoms and deficits are common among adults with scoliosis. Development of neurological symptoms and/or deficits is strongly associated with the decision to pursue operative treatment.

What happens if scoliosis is not treated properly?

Scoliosis. patient with thoracic scoliosis, convex to the right, bridged by a Harrington rod and bone graft along the concave side of the spine If scoliosis is neglected, the curves may progress dramatically, creating significant physical deformity and even cardiopulmonary problems with especially severe curves.

What is the difference between scoliosis and kyphosis?

Whereas scoliosis is defined as an abnormal curvature of the spine when viewed from the front, kyphosis is a forward rounding of the spine. Scoliosis most frequently affects the lower spine, or lumbar spine, while kyphosis usually affects the cervical spine and thoracic spine.

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What is the difference between congenital and idiopathic scoliosis?

Most types of scoliosis are idiopathic, which means that the cause is unknown or that there is no single factor that contributes to the development of the disease. Congenital forms of scoliosis typically result from a spinal defect present at birth, and are therefore usually detected at an earlier age than idiopathic forms of scoliosis.

What information should be included in the report of scoliosis?

The presence of any vertebral or rib anomalies should be reported. Scoliosis is generally described as to the location of the curve or curves, as shown below. One should also describe whether the convexity of the curve points to the right or left. If there is a double curve, each curve must be described and measured.