Can I use Angular with codeigniter?

Can I use Angular with codeigniter?

1 Answer. Angular usually serves the content from AJAX calls, so you should use CodeIgniter as the webservice API framework.

Can I use Angular and PHP together?

If you’re wondering whether you can use PHP alongside Angular, the answer is yes. But Angular will still need a separate client-server architecture. In general, PHP runs on the server-side while Angular runs on the client-side.

Does Angular need a backend?

1 Answer. You can do everything in AngularJS on the front end. Which means you don’t need a backend database. However, like @MingShun mentioned, you do need some way of serving up your static files, such as your HTML, CSS, JS and images.

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Is codeigniter front end or backend?

That’s exactly you have to use those angular as front end and codeigniter as the backend and connecting your angular(front end) with api developed using codeigniter (backed ) .

Is angular front end or backend?

That’s why Angular is considered a frontend framework. Its capabilities do not include any of the features that you will find in a backend language. Angular 4 is front-end framework Powered by Google, it helps a lot in making fastest single page application and works 100\% perfect.

Is it possible to replace CodeIgniter with angular?

The main web page will still be created by CodeIgniter, but it can now include Angular assets, such as partial views, etc. Eventually you can replace most of what CodeIgniter is doing by just returning a simple page, and having Angular load partial views from /nglike it’s designed for.

How do I add CodeIgniter to my project?

1) CodeIgniter installed in root If CI is installed on the root of your server, you can create a folder within CI (for instance I have an “ng” folder). Your project will look like: /controllers /models /ng (etc) /index.php (code igniter index file) place an .htaccess file within /ngwith the following:

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How do I request resources from Ci in angular?

Now in your Angular application, you can request resources from CI by making paths relative to the domain root, rather than relative to the Angular app. For instance, in Angular, you will no longer request a partial view from the Angular folder partials/angular-view.html, rather you’ll want to request views from CI /myapp/someResource.