
What does it mean for data to be reproducible?

What does it mean for data to be reproducible?

Although there is some debate on terminology and definitions, if something is reproducible, it means that the same result can be recreated by following a specific set of steps with a consistent dataset.

How do you know if your results are reproducible?

A measurement is reproducible if the investigation is repeated by another person, or by using different equipment or techniques, and the same results are obtained. N.B. “the same” results implies identical, but in reality “the same” means that random error will still be present in the results.

What makes an experiment valid and reproducible?

For the findings of a study to be reproducible means that results obtained by an experiment or an observational study or in a statistical analysis of a data set should be achieved again with a high degree of reliability when the study is replicated.

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What does it mean if data are reproducible but not accurate quizlet?

What does it mean if data are reproducible but not accurate? The data can be produced over and over but are not close to the accepted value. The data are close to the accepted value but cannot be produced over and over.

What does reproducibility mean in science terms?

Reproducibility: The ability of an experiment or calculation to be duplicated by other researchers working independently. Repeatability: The ability of an experiment or calculation to be duplicated by using the same method.

Why is reproducibility so important in scientific research?

It is now widely agreed that data reproducibility is a key part of the scientific process. When you ensure reproducibility, you provide transparency with your experiment and allow others to understand what was done; whether they will go on to reproduce the data or not.

What is reproducibility and why is it important?

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Due to the nature of science, you cannot be sure that the results are correct or will remain correct. When you ensure reproducibility, you provide transparency with your experiment and allow others to understand what was done; whether they will go on to reproduce the data or not.

What makes a study reproducible?

Computational scientists generally use the term reproducibility to answer just the first question—that is, reproducible research is research that is capable of being checked because the data, code, and methods of analysis are available to other researchers.

What term best describes the reproducibility in your results?

Precision refers to how close the values in a set of measurements are to one another. If you are using a flawed measuring instrument, you could get very precise measurements (meaning they are very reproducible), but the measurements would be inaccurate.

What is the difference between accurate data and reproducible data quizlet?

Accurate data are close to the correct or accepted value. Reproducible data can be duplicated.

What is reproducibility and why is it significant?

What are the conditions for an experiment to be considered reproducible?

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The experimental conditions are always kept the same. The results of the experiment are always accurate. The same results are expected each time the experiment is done. The same results are expected each time the experiment is done. If an experiment exhibits reproducibility it means the same results are expected each time the experiment is done.

Why is reproducibility important in science?

Reproducibility is the ability of other people to produce the same results from a given experiment under the same conditions, and without the influence of unanticipated factors. Reproducibility is an important aspect of science, this is because it ensures transparency and gives us confidence in understanding exactly what is done.

What are the experimental conditions of a simple experiment?

The experimental conditions are simple and do not require a lot of materials. The experimental conditions are always kept the same. The results of the experiment are always accurate. The same results are expected each time the experiment is done. The same results are expected each time the experiment is done.