
Why don t pitchers apologize when they hit a batter?

Why don t pitchers apologize when they hit a batter?

The etiquette reason is that an apology would be insincere. The pitcher is not sorry. The pitcher is angry that he gave the other team a runner. Or the pitcher was carrying out an order of retaliation from the manager, in which case an apology would be passive aggressive.

Are pitchers told to hit batters?

When an umpire suspects that a pitcher has thrown at a batter intentionally, but is not certain, a warning is issued to the pitcher and the managers of both teams. If the umpire is certain that the pitcher intentionally hit the batter with the pitch, the pitcher is ejected from the game with no warning.

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Does rain favor pitchers or hitters?

In baseball, weather’s influence is everywhere: A struck ball flies farther on a hot, humid day than on a cold, dry night; fielders lose balls in the sun and get fooled by the wind; and lengthy rain delays knock out pitchers.

How hot does it have to be to cancel baseball?

Heat index above 115. In this range, the BPR will cancel all games and practices until the heat index returns to 115 or below.

Is it hard to hit a baseball in the rain?

Rain affects the game of baseball differently because “it’s a game of precision”: As a result, heavy rain makes the ball extremely hard to grip. This actually harms the team on defense dramatically more than the team on offense.

Do errors ruin no hitters?

Unlike a perfect game, in which no batters reach base, in regular no-hitters batters can reach base in other ways, such as a walk, an error, or a hit batsman, thus it is possible for the team pitching the no-hitter to lose.

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Why should you never bunt?

RESULT: The bunt reduces the success of the average inning by 0.15 runs, which means that if you bunt 10 times in this situation, your team would score 1.5 fewer runs than if you didn’t. This seems counterintuitive, since a sac fly or middle-infield grounder can score a player from third with one out.

Why do pitchers throw behind batters when trying to hit them?

It’s why you see pitchers throw behind batters when trying to hit them—they’re used to throwing strikes, not hitting people. So it’s not unreasonable to think that a pitcher might intentionally throw at a less-critical body part, miss, and end up hitting the head by mistake.

Why don’t pitchers get punished for headhunting?

Aside from the nebulous punishment associated with headhunting, pitchers trying to hit a batter don’t have very good aim. Pitchers train to throw at or around the strike zone, so preparing to throw a ball at a batter is an unnatural motion and has a wide variety of outcomes.

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Why don’t MLB umpires eject pitchers who hit another batter?

Umpires are nominally supposed to keep games under control and keep feuds from escalating, but they typically issue warnings rather than eject pitchers who hit another batter. This makes sense—it’s tremendously difficult to measure intent, and sometimes a pitch just slips, resulting in an accidental hit-by-pitch.

Should MLB allow pitchers to hit the other team’s players?

For too long, MLB has tolerated the ‘tradition’ of pitchers intentionally hitting the other team’s players. That needs to change. Unless you’re a baseball historian, Ray Chapman probably isn’t a name that sounds familiar.