
Could Saitama have beat Boros in one punch?

Could Saitama have beat Boros in one punch?

Boros releases his destructive energy Saitama throws a swift punch at Boros, disgusted that Boros would go through all of that just to find a worthy opponent. However, the punch does not kill Boros, but instead shatters his restraining armor, which was used to seal his own power.

Could anyone else have beaten Boros?

Boros once during the fight mentioned that there is only one person who can defeat boros.

Did Saitama even try against Boros?

Yes He was holding back. Reason:Boros had destroyed planets and was searching for a worthy opponent. And Saitama didn’t want to disappoint Boros by killing him in one punch.

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Is Boros a parody of Goku?

Boros bears some physical resemblance to Goku. His build is similar to Goku, though heavily defined musculature is by no means unique to the hero of Dragon Ball. The more striking similarity fans point out is the hair.

What happened to Boros after Saitama punched him?

Saitama throws a swift punch at Boros, disgusted that Boros would go through all of that just to find a worthy opponent. The punch did not kill Boros, but instead shattered his armor which was used to seal his own power. Boros explains that Saitama has broken his armor to which Saitama responds with an “OK”.

Why did Boros attack a-city?

Soon after defeating Geryuganshoop, Saitama breaks into Boros’ throne room. Boros introduces himself as “Dominator of the Universe” and explains that he had attacked A-City because of a prophecy that he would find a worthy opponent on Earth.

How did Boros get his arm back?

Boros then starts to release destructive energy from within himself which damages the top of the ship, but is still unable to harm Saitama. The battle starts to reach its peak as Boros begins gloating about his regenerative abilities and grows his arm back.

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What is the connection between Saitama’s dream and the anime?

In the anime, the battle presents many similarities with Saitama’s dream fight against the Subterraneans in terms of poses and the heartbeat, creating a connection between the first and the last episode of the season.