
What does it mean when someone says they feel like they have known you forever?

What does it mean when someone says they feel like they have known you forever?

It means that you’ve connected, in some way and they feel that you understand them more than some people they’ve known for longer. Almost as if you’ve known eachother for so long you understand them on a personal level.

Why do we feel like we know a stranger?

Something inside you recognises this person, as if you’re meant to get to know them. Call it déjà vu, coincidence; it might also be due to the fact that we are often attracted to those we perceive to be similar to us. Which instills an almost instantaneous feeling of familiarity with that person.

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Why do I keep having deja vu with the same person?

Déjà vu can also be a neurological symptom. The same sensation, with exactly the same features, is often reported by patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Recordings of the brain prior to surgery for temporal epilepsy offer some insight into the mechanisms of déjà vu.

What does it feel like to meet someone you know again?

When you finally do meet that person again in this life, then it feels like you’ve known them for a long time because you really have. If you’re interested in learning more about reincarnation, you can check out my reading list.

Why does it feel like I already know someone?

The theory is that you’ve spent a lot of time with that person in the future, and it’s therefor affecting your present perception of that person. Think back. Did those people you had the instant “It feels like I already know you” feelings with stay in your life for a while?

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How do you know if you’ve met someone from a past life?

Here are 7 signs you’ve met someone from a past life: 1. You feel at home when you look in their eyes. You finally feel as though someone understands you.

What does it mean when a guy says it’s like we know each other?

Suddenly it’s like we’ve known each other forever. Or, the person saying this is trying to put you at ease by implying that they feel so comfortable with you, therefore you should feel comfortable with them. If you don’t both feel the same way, I would reinterpret your question as, “What is the motive of someone who says…”