
Is in addition grammatically correct?

Is in addition grammatically correct?

We use “In addition to” followed by a noun / pronoun or V ing. In addition to basketball, I’m good at volleyball. Fernando can speak English and French in addition to Spanish. Our music teacher is such a talented musician that she can play the guitar, the violin in addition to Saxophone.

Does a phrase need a comma?

b. Common introductory phrases that should be followed by a comma include participial and infinitive phrases, absolute phrases, nonessential appositive phrases, and long prepositional phrases (over four words).

Can you start a sentence with in addition?

Originally Answered: Can you start a sentence with “in addition”? Yes, you can. There is often a comma after ‘in addition’, as in ‘In addition, there are several other issues to be considered’. The phrase is a little formal, so I would tend to say instead ‘I would add that …’ because it sounds less stiff and stuffy.

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What is the phrase of addition?

4. Addition, accessory, adjunct, attachment mean something joined onto or used with something else. Addition is the general word, carrying no implication of size, importance, or kind, but merely that of being joined to something previously existing: an addition to an income, to a building, to one’s cares.

Is it better to say in addition or additionally?

Additionally, in addition, and furthermore can all mean something like ‘also’. However, ‘in addition’ also has a closer link to the verb ‘to add’, so if you want the idea of ‘adding’, then use ‘in addition’, but additionally is perfectly acceptable in the sense of ‘also’.

Is it in addition or in addition to?

“In addition of” is a mistake. It should be “in addition to”.

What word can replace in addition?

What is another word for in addition?

and furthermore
moreover also
besides further
likewise plus
what is more after that
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Is there a comma before or after In addition to?

The board meeting was dry, in addition to being a pain in the ass. If at the beginning of a sentence you would use a comma ( , ) after the phrase. if used in the middle of a sentence and both sentences would stand alone it would include a semi colon before the phrase and comma after the phrase.

Does the phrase ‘in addition’ need a comma?

Generally, the rule of thumb with all expressions such as “as well as,” “along with,” “in addition to,” etc., is to put commas around the expression only when it interrupts the subject of the sentence from the verb. Example:

What are two ways to use a comma?

In Lists. Commas separate words and phrases in a list.

  • To Separate Clauses. Commas indicate where one phrase or clause ends and another begins.
  • In Direct Speech. Use them to quote somebody’s words exactly as they were said.
  • To Mark Off Certain Parts Of A Sentence.
  • With However.
  • To Separate Adjectives.
  • To Distinguish A Name From The Rest Of The Sentence.
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    When to insert a comma?

    Commas in Dates. Insert a comma between a day of the month and a year. If a date is part of a sentence, then insert a comma after the year as well. If only a month and a year are given with no specific day, then do not include a comma.