Who makes more money than a lawyer?

Who makes more money than a lawyer?

At first glance, it seems easy to determine that a medical doctor is paid much more than a lawyer. The Bureau of Labor Statistics gives median salaries for both doctors and lawyers, so it’s clear that the doctors’ number is higher.

Can I become a lawyer after engineering?

No, you can’t pursue LLB from National Law Universities if you want to pursue Law after completion of your Btech degree. The reason being that, There are 2 types of Law courses in India- 3 year LLB course and 5 year integrated law course.

Do lawyers make more money than doctors and engineers?

However, while the BLS lists a general salary for lawyers, the pay for doctors and engineers varies greatly by specialty. As a general rule, doctors earn the highest salaries in the country. Anesthesiologists are the top earners with an annual mean wage of $232,800, while surgeons are in second place with $230,540.

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What is the difference between an engineer and a lawyer?

An able Engineer may earn more than an average Lawyer, an able Lawyer may earn more than an average engineer. It is the competence of the professional that brings reputation and higher pay or fees. In your opinion, what would be the average initial startup cost for product development?

What engineering jobs pay less than 100k?

The rest of the engineering specialists, such as marine engineers, electronics engineers, electrical engineers and biomedical engineers, earn less than $100,000. The salaries for materials engineers, environmental engineers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers and industrial engineers are under $90,000.

How much do lawyers get paid a year?

Median pay for a lawyer is $130,880 a year, and for an engineer, $91,010, but those are over entire fields. An aerospace engineer is going to make more than a public defender, and a partner in a major firm is going to make more than a civil engineer.

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