
When can you ask question in a lecture properly?

When can you ask question in a lecture properly?

You can also simply ask the lecturer if he or she minds you asking questions, or your classmates if they thought your question was a good one. Good questions enhance the learning experience for everyone. The bottom line is that most good professors like to have some interaction with the class.

How do you ask a question after a lecture?

General Strategies for Asking Questions

  1. When planning questions, keep in mind your course goals.
  2. Aim for direct, specific questions.
  3. Ask questions throughout your class and ask only one question at a time.
  4. Ask open-ended questions.

Can you ask professors questions?

Yes! Always feel free to ask questions. If the professor is worth his/her salt, he/she will welcome them. It is only the poor professors who discourage questions.

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Do professors like when students ask questions?

No teachers never hate a student when he asks a lots of questions. In fact, this implies that the student is really interested in what has been taught. Teacher would appreciate his interest & try to clear his doubts as good as possible.

Why do teachers ask questions during lessons?

Teaching students to ask effective questions can reveal what that child doesn’t understand, giving us that chance to fill in the gaps and likely improve understanding for other students too. Great questions reveal understanding and an overall grasp of significance in ways that answers cannot.

What are the best questions to ask in a lecture?

Every question from which you can learn more and help you understand about the subject being talked is a good question. Don’t throw a question just to respond (in a conversation) or for the sake of you getting the attention (in a lecture). The question being asked on this manner usually sucks.

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How do you deal with mistakes in lectures?

I’ll take the opportunity to mention that students should of course always phrase questions about mistakes diplomatically, e.g. “should that be X, instead of Y”, as opposed to “that should be…”. It makes the dialogue a lot more congenial, especially if it turns out the lecturer was correct in the first place.

How do you ask a question at the beginning of a presentation?

Let your audience know you would like questions and when to ask them Near the beginning of your presentation let your audience know that you welcome questions. Then let them know when to ask them. There are a number of options: Tell people they can interrupt you throughout the presentation to ask questions as they come to mind.

Should keynoters ask lots of questions of the audience?

Warren had heard a keynoter ask lots of questions of the audience, rhetorical and otherwise, and was wondering what the pros and cons of that approach were. Let’s go back to first principles. A successful speech is not a monologue; it’s a conversation. And a conversation is always two-way.