
Who is faster than the Speed Force?

Who is faster than the Speed Force?

The Flash just ran faster than the Speed Force after his quest in Flash Forward #5 took a somewhat tragic turn. Don’t piss Wally off. Spoilers for Flash Forward #5 (of 6) by Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, Evan Shaner and Luis Guerrero below.

Who is the strongest evil speedster?

The Flash’s 10 Fastest Villains, Ranked

  1. 1 Black Flash. While Eobard Thawne is the fastest villain Flash has ever faced, Black Flash is the fastest speedster of all-time.
  2. 2 Eobard Thawne.
  3. 3 Godspeed.
  4. 4 Hunter Zolomon.
  5. 5 Black Racer.
  6. 6 Savitar.
  7. 7 Dark Flash.
  8. 8 Future Flash.

Is Superman the fastest person alive outside the Speed Force?

While Superman is one of the fastest men alive, he isn’t the fastest character outside the Speed Force. See, his cousin Kara is faster than he is and Supergirl might be the fastest person alive outside the Speed Force. Both the comic books and the

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Why isn’t Superman a speedster?

Superman isn’t a speedster, he’s an alien, and the reason he runs so fast is that his muscles let him do so, using the sun to charge him up. 1 Share ReportSave level 2 · 6y Flash Ehh, Wally’s kids didn’t apply to that and there’s that group of dead New 52 people that got stuck in the Speed Force who had non-super speed Speed Force powers. 1 Share

Why can Superman tap into the Speed Force?

Tapping into the speedforce is a superpower that allows you to control velocity the way I see it, which is why the flash can drag people around without destroying them. Superman isn’t a speedster, he’s an alien, and the reason he runs so fast is that his muscles let him do so, using the sun to charge him up.

Is the flash faster than Superman?

Although King acknowledges that the Flash is theoretically faster than Superman, when given a reason to push himself beyond his limits, Supes can turbo boost his speed to a level that even the fastest man alive has difficulty keeping up with.