
Can you use DistroKid and SoundCloud repost?

Can you use DistroKid and SoundCloud repost?

DistroKid does not monetize Soundcloud because DistroKid does not have a partnership with Soundcloud or the ability to distribute music to Soundcloud. The only way to monetize your plays on Soundcloud is by using Repost by Soundcloud.

Is SoundCloud repost free?

What Is Repost by SoundCloud? Repost by SoundCloud subscription costs $30 a year to access all of our features to help you grow your career and earn money. For any of our distribution or monetization related features, you keep 80\% of the revenue!

How does SoundCloud repost exchange work?

Repost Exchange is the self-proclaimed #1 SoundCloud promotion tool that boasts over 250,000 SoundCloud artists and offers growth to your music. You earn credits by sharing music you like and contributing to the Repost Exchange community, then you spend credits on promoting your own music.

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How do you monetize on SoundCloud?

How do I monetize a track?

  1. Go to your tracks page.
  2. Select the desired track and click the pen icon to edit.
  3. Choose the monetization tab for the track.
  4. Enable Monetization.
  5. Select your username for each territory.
  6. Enter necessary details on the Metadata tab.
  7. Save your changes.

How do I get more traffic on SoundCloud?

Apart from that, here are 5 strategies that will get you more plays on Soundcloud:

  1. Make great music first.
  2. Leverage existing audiences on the platform.
  3. Use email for networking and promotion.
  4. Get into repost chains.
  5. Make your music discoverable.

Can I use two music distributors?

You can use two different music distributors. However you can not distribute a single track or album with different music distributors. For instance you can have a distribute a track through a record label, but you won’t be able to distribute this track through for example an aggregate service.

What is reposting on SoundCloud and how does it work?

The repost feature changed SoundCloud forever. By getting others to ‘repost’ your track, it’s published to the streams of all their followers. Technically, a repost by an influential account could lead to significant exposure. You may have seen the ads on SoundCloud before: “$50 for a repost, will blast to 150K followers”.

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How do I submit my content to repost by SoundCloud?

To access these features, log into your Repost by SoundCloud account, click the Promotion tab, and choose the content you would like to submit (Note: you can only pitch releases 30 days in advance of their release date / you can submit one pitch to featured platforms per month).

Is Repost Network owned by SoundCloud?

Yes! Repost Network was acquired by SoundCloud in July 2019 (check out the Billboard article) and has grown into the Repost by SoundCloud offering you see today. What’s the difference between SoundCloud Premier and Repost by SoundCloud?

How do you grow your followers on SoundCloud?

The trend on SoundCloud, particularly with promotional channels, is to pair consistent reposts with like-to-download gate inclusion in order to accelerate follower growth. A channel might incorporate another channel in the download gate of their track, which then gives them an incentive to consistently repost that upload.