
What was the largest predator of the Cambrian?

What was the largest predator of the Cambrian?

Anomalocaris canadensis
Most of the animals known from this period were small, about the length of a human finger. One notable exception, a gigantic, carnivorous shrimplike creature named Anomalocaris canadensis, measured up to 3 feet (1 m) long and was the Cambrian’s biggest predator.

What type of animals lived during the Cambrian period?

During the Cambrian there were more than 100 types of trilobites. There were plenty of other species living during the Cambrian Period also. Mollusks, worms, sponges and echinoderms filled the Cambrian seas. There were other living things present then that don’t fit into any of the categories we know about today.

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What dangers were in the Cambrian period?

Just as the first complex animals were settling into Earth’s oceans, oxygen levels fell dramatically and wiped many of them out. The finding shows that the birth of complex life was beset with dangers.

What animals appeared during the Cambrian explosion?

This period lasted about 53 million years and marked a dramatic burst of evolutionary changes in life on Earth, known as the “Cambrian Explosion.” Among the animals that evolved during this period were the chordates — animals with a dorsal nerve cord; hard-bodied brachiopods, which resembled clams; and arthropods — …

What was the first predator animal?

Earth’s first big predatory monster was a giant underwater scorpion that reigned in the ocean almost half a billion years ago, well before the dinosaurs, scientists have discovered. The creature grew to 170 centimtres (5ft 7in) and had a dozen claw arms sprouting from its head, as well as a spiked tail.

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What plants existed during the Cambrian period?

Cambrian The first of six periods of the Palaeozoic Era, from about 590–505 Ma ago, during which sediments deposited include the first organisms with mineralized skeletons. The plant fossils are mainly of algae and fungi. Trilobites (arthropods) are important in the stratigraphic subdivision of the period.

When was the Cambrian period?

541 (+/- 1) million years ago – 485.4 (+/- 1.9) million years ago

What were the plants and animals during the Cambrian period?

Cambrian rocks are the earliest to preserve the hard parts of animals as fossils. They contain a large variety of fossils, including all the animal phyla, with the exception of the vertebrates. The commonest animal forms were trilobites, Brachiopoda, sponges and snails. Plant life consisted mainly of seaweeds.