Tips and tricks

What do you do when your partner is self destructing?

What do you do when your partner is self destructing?

Tell your partner that they are “sick” or “need help,” as this can make them even more defensive. Ignore your own responsibilities or right to self-care in order to “cover up” for your partner and the consequences of their self-destructive acts. Collude with secret-keeping.

How to tell your boyfriend you have self harmed?

Tips to help you tell someone about self-harm

  1. find someone you can trust – such as a close friend, family member, trained volunteer, health or other professionals.
  2. decide on the right time or place to talk to someone – it may feel easier to write something down, talk online or call and practise what you want to say first.

How do I treat my boyfriend?

“Don’t give him anything….

  1. Feel the feeling, but do the right thing.
  2. Break from your past.
  3. Drop your half of the dynamic.
  4. Don’t act out projections.
  5. Be mindful of your partner’s wants and feelings.
  6. Show care and concern in a way your partner would experience as loving.
  7. Don’t engage in a tit-for-tat mentality.
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How do you help someone with destructive behavior?

What does help: Acknowledge the pain that’s causing this behavior. Let the person know their pain is valid, and that they deserve to be able to let it out (either to you or a trained professional). Let them know that even though feeling better might feel hopeless in this moment, that there are a lot of options for.

How do you deal with a self-destructive girlfriend?

How should a man be treated in a relationship?

Here are 22 things you can do to evolve your relationship:

  1. Praise him.
  2. Make him feel like a ‘hero’
  3. Allow him to be vulnerable.
  4. Give him some space.
  5. Be physically affectionate.
  6. Respect him.
  7. Reassure him you’re in this for the long run.
  8. Tell him it’s okay if he makes a mistake.