
Why is Sakura hated?

Why is Sakura hated?

Yeah, useless. Sakura, the pink-haired kunoichi from Naruto, is one of those characters you either love or hate. For example, Sakura was often seen as the weak link of her team, her severe pettiness interfered with her relationships with her ninja peers, and she allowed her love for Sasuke to dictate her life.

Can Hinata cook?

Hinata is well-known for her cooking skills. Even as children, Naruto praised Hinata’s cooking. Hinata is often seen cooking for her family, and is so skilled at it that she possibly should have pursued a career as a chef.

Is Hinata a strict mother?

Hinata Hyuga married Naruto Uzumaki and had two kids with him, Boruto and Himawari. Hinata is a very caring mother for her children, often staying home to watch over them while Naruto performs his duties as the Seventh Hokage.

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Why do Hinata fans hate Sakura fans so much?

Hinata fans get so much hate from Sakura fans that they are edge when dealing with them and honestly have little patience for their rudeness. Most Hinata fans keep into their own fandom and would rarely purposely look up Sakura content, but Sakura fans follow and stalk them just so they can abuse them in some way.

Why do a lot of people hate Sakura?

Tho a lot of people hate sakura despite any ship, they just hate her as a character. People hate Sakura for a whole lot of reasons. Because her attraction for Sasuke was shallow, because she treated Naruto like crap, because she was completely useless for the whole first season, because she would beat Naruto even when he was nice to her.

Did Naruto ever return Hinata’s love for Sakura?

In Part 2, Sakura even confessed her love for Naruto. Naruto saw right through her words. He knew that Sasuke was the only one who would have a proper place in her heart. By that time, Naruto had moved past the crush he’d had on her. That eventually allowed him to return Hinata’s love.

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Is Sakura a completely useless character?

There are a great many fans that believe Sakura is a completely useless character. While it is true that she isn’t as powerful as the rest of her team, that doesn’t make her useless. Sakura’s primary purpose is to take care of her teammate’s medical needs. Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke were all physically stronger than Sakura.