
Can anti-monitor defeat Galactus?

Can anti-monitor defeat Galactus?

Anti-monitor destroys entire universes. Galactus, you can talk him into eating someone else for now, and he doesn’t actually do much when he’s not hungry. Atnti-monitor, the ending of Crisis on Infinite Earths was a Pyrrhic Victory.

Who can beat the anti-monitor?

Let’s take a look at ten villains who could replace the Anti-Monitor in the Arrowverse.

  • 3 Darkseid.
  • 4 Imperiex.
  • 5 Vril Dox.
  • 6 Mongul.
  • 7 Perpetua.
  • 8 Eclipso.
  • 9 Superboy Prime.
  • 10 Monarch.

Is Anti-monitor the strongest?

He is The Monitor’s counterpart from The Anit-Matter Universe and was the sole Guardian of The Sinestro Corps. The Anti-Monitor was destroyed in #12 of Crisis on Infinite Earths, but returned in Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps #1. The Anti-Monitor is definitely one of the strongest and most powerful DC characters.

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Is Anti-monitor the strongest DC villain?

Anti-Monitor is one of the most formidable foes ever faced by the heroes of the DC Universe. He is directly responsible for more deaths than any other known DC supervillain, having destroyed at least thousands of universes, if not an actual infinitude of them.

Can the Spectre beat anti monitor?

2 STRONGER: Anti-Monitor The Spectre actually tried to take the Anti-Monitor head-on, but it proved beyond even his capabilities.

Who is Galactus in Marvel Comics?

Galactus is one of the oldest beings in all of comics. He was once known as Galan, a scientist from the last iteration of the universe.

Can Silver Surfer beat Galactus in a fight?

Under his own power, Silver Surfer cannot beat Galactus in a fight and there’s a good reason why: Galactus made him what he is and could, if he wanted to, take his powers away from him as easily as he gave them.

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How did Thanos defeat Galactus and Galactus?

With his increased strength, he and Aegis banded together and quickly beat both Galactus and the Silver Surfer, who had agreed for a time to return to his heralding duties. Shortly after this confrontation, Thanos arrived with a Chaos Mite and drained the Power Cosmic from both vanquished foes.

How powerful is Galactus compared to Darkseid and Galactus?

Galactus has billions of years of experience and has faced threats that are unimaginable. As experienced as he is powerful, there are few who have the sheer breadth of experience he does. Darkseid has many servants but some of the most dangerous are the Female Furies.