
Why silicon diodes are preferred over germanium diodes because?

Why silicon diodes are preferred over germanium diodes because?

The main reasons for silicon diodes to be preferred over germanium diodes are: Silicon diode is easier to produce than germanium diode due to the widespread availability of silicon. The silicon diode is less sensitive than the germanium diode, hence the operation of silicon diodes is stable with changes in temperature.

Why silicon diode is used as a rectifier?

They are also used elsewhere in circuits where a large current must pass through the diode. All rectifier diodes are made from silicon and therefore have a forward voltage drop of 0.7V….Rectifier diodes (large current)

Diode Maximum Current Maximum Reverse Voltage
1N5408 3A 1000V

What is the difference between silicon and germanium?

Silicon is a chemical element with atomic number 14 and chemical symbol Si while germanium is a chemical element with atomic number 32 and chemical symbol is Ge. The key difference between silicon and germanium is that Germanium has d electrons, but Silicon does not have any d electrons.

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Why germanium is not used in SCR?

Ability to withstand at high temperature: silicon crystals have capability to withstand at higher temperature compare to germanium crystals . So if leakage current is produced in SCR it heats up the device then silicon crystals can withstand but not germanium crystals.

What is a germanium diode used for?

They are, by far, the most common type of diode used in electronics. Germanium diodes are made from germanium. They used to be used a lot in early electronics, such as radios, but they have largely been replaced by silicon diodes….Germanium Diode Circuit.

Voltage Drops Across Diode at Various Supplied Voltages
15V 0.27V 0.70V

What are silicon diodes used for?

Since a silicon diode only generally allows power to flow one way, it can be used to protect other devices in a circuit, such as transistors, from receiving too much power and burning out. In addition, specially configured silicon diodes, known as Zener diodes, can be used to maintain a fixed voltage.

What is the difference between silicon and germanium transistors?

To answer you actual question, there are two significant differences between silicon and germanium transistors: germanium has a low melting point and germanium transistors have much less tolerance for high temperatures. The forward voltage drop of a germanium junction is lower than for silicon.

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What is difference of germanium and silicon?

Silicon and germanium have four valence electrons but at the given temperature germanium will have more free electrons and higher conductivity than silicon. Silicon is more widely used in the electronic device than germanium since it can be used at a higher temperature.

Is silicon better than germanium?

Why is Silicon preferred over Germanium for semiconductor? The reason is, Silicon can be worked at a higher temperature as compared to germanium. The structure of Germanium crystals will be destroyed at higher temperature. Also, Silicon has much smaller leakage current than that of germanium.

Why is germanium more temperature dependent than silicon?

Germanium is more temperature sensitive than silicon because it has a smaller band gap. Even at moderate temperature, a substantial number of electrons in germanium are produce from thermal generation. For example at about 120 C, the concentration of electrons and holes from thermal generation is > 1E15.

Why Silicon(Si) diodes are preferred over germanium(Ge) dioes?

Why Silicon (Si) Diodes are Preferred over Germanium (Ge) Diodes? As we know, both Silicon and Germanium are semiconductor devices. But the present trend is to use Silicon instead of Germanium in many devices like SMPS etc. At room temperature, Silicon crystal has fewer free electrons than Germanium crystal.

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What are the disadvantages of silicon as compared to germanium?

The disadvantage of silicon as compared to germanium is that potential barrier of silicon diode (0.7V) is more than that of germanium diode (0.5V). This means that higher bias voltage is required to cause current flow in a silicon diode circuit.

What is the difference between sili1 silicon transistor and germanium transistor?

1 Silicon transistor has threshold voltage of 0.7V, whereas Germanium has 0.3V. 2 Si diode is having good temperature stability about 200° Celsius, whereas ge is having temperature stability about 85°c. 3 Leakage current of Sili_con diode is in nA, whereas the leakage current for germanium is in mA.

What are the drawbacks of a silicon diode?

This means that higher bias voltage is required to cause current flow in a silicon diode circuit. This drawback of silicon goes to the background in view of the other advantages of silicon mentioned above.