
Is Robert faithful to Lyanna?

Is Robert faithful to Lyanna?

He genuinely loved her. He genuinely thought she was the most beautiful woman to ever live. He was an honorable man at that point, which is why he was Ned’s best friend.

Why did Robert Baratheon give Lyanna a feather?

The significance of the feather, such as it is, turned out to just be an Easter egg for a later time, when Sansa picks it up in Season 5 Episode 4 (Sons of the Harpy). And again, in the Season 8 teaser in the Crypts of Winterfell, the feather is seen again, on the ground, and later with frost forming around it.

Did Cersei Love Robert Baratheon in real life?

Long before Robert came in her life, Cersei & Jaime were in love (call it…incest). They even have 3 children that many didn’t know for long time: Also, House Lannister helped Robert during Robert’s Rebellion, also known as the War of the Usurper, to overthrow the mad king following Lynna’s kindap by Prince Rhaegar.

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Who is Cersei’s true love?

Jaime is her one true love. The one she will never betray. The one who she will always turn to, when she has no one to hold close. The fact of them being siblings does dilute the romance a bit, but make no mistake, Cersei has never loved neither will she ever love anyone else, with the same fervor as that of Jaime.

Is Cersei Lannister in love with Jaime Lannister?

The fact of them being siblings does dilute the romance a bit, but make no mistake, Cersei has never loved neither will she ever love anyone else, with the same fervor as that of Jaime. Cersei’s betrothal to Robert was all but decided, when her father sacked King’s Landing and her brother killed the last dragon king.

Why did Cersei go to King’s landing?

Cersei has a network of spies and watchers, as elaborate and dispersed as that of Baelish or Varys. So keeping his daughter in the capital and forging a marriage alliance in one swift move, was a very Lannister esque move indeed. And Cersei, too would’ve been delighted to go to King’s Landing.