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What is the most severe form of mental illness?

What is the most severe form of mental illness?

According to many studies and statistics, the deadliest mental disorders are eating disorders. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, and their atypical counterparts) have become the most dangerous mental health disorders in America and worldwide.

What’s the worst mental pain?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has long been believed to be the one psychiatric disorder that produced the most intense emotional pain and distress in those who suffer with this condition. Studies have shown that borderline patients experience chronic and significant emotional suffering and mental agony.

What is the life expectancy of someone with schizoaffective disorder?

While life expectancy of the general population has increased steadily over the past century, people with serious mental illness (SMI), including diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder, have a reduced life expectancy of 13 years for men and 12 years for women.

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How does a schizoaffective person act?

People with schizoaffective disorder can have a wide variety of different symptoms, including having unusual perceptual experiences (hallucinations) or beliefs others do not share (delusions), mood (such as marked depression), low motivation, inability to experience pleasure, and poor attention.

What are the top 5 major mental health disorders?

The five most common mental health disorders include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse and attention deficit disorder ADD/ADHD. Millions of people suffer from these disorders in the United States and around the world.

Which mental illness is considered the worst?

Amongst the most basic, common, but dangerous disorders, antisocial disorder is also known as sociopathy and psychopathy. Individuals with this disorder either have no empathy, leading to no morals, or no emotion at all. The ones who have emotion, but no empathy, are extremely dangerous.

What is the most dangerous mental illness?

Mental Illness is not synonymous with dangerous and most mentally ill people are not dangerous. People with mental illness differ in demeanor, biology, and presentation. Different people manifest the same disease in varying ways to greater or lesser degrees. There are often have overlaps and mixes of conditions. No one fits a strict formula.

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What is the worst mental disease?

Schizophrenia is the worst. There have been reports that people with schizophrenia have killed people because of their illness. People with schizophrenia can get into a lot of trouble if they don’t take their meds.

What are the top 10 mental disorders?

TOP 10 MOST COMMON MENTAL DISORDERS IN AMERICA. Major Depression: Pervasive and persistent low mood. Low-self esteem and lost of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry. Excessive worry which often interferes with daily functioning.