Under what conditions is the magnitude of the vector sum a B equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the two vectors explain briefly?

Under what conditions is the magnitude of the vector sum a B equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the two vectors explain briefly?

A:The sum and difference of two vectors will be equal in magnitude when two vectors are perpendicular to each other. B:The sum and difference of two vectors will have the same direction, when the vectors have unequal magnitudes but are in the same direction.

How do you find the magnitude of a Ab vector?

To work with a vector, we need to be able to find its magnitude and its direction. We find its magnitude using the Pythagorean Theorem or the distance formula, and we find its direction using the inverse tangent function. Given a position vector →v=⟨a,b⟩,the magnitude is found by |v|=√a2+b2.

Are the magnitude and direction of AB and a B same?

The magnitude of (A – B) and (B -A) will be same but the direction will be opposite.

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How do you write the magnitude of a vector?

The magnitude of a vector →PQ is the distance between the initial point P and the end point Q . In symbols the magnitude of →PQ is written as | →PQ | . If the coordinates of the initial point and the end point of a vector is given, the Distance Formula can be used to find its magnitude.

What is the magnitude of a vector formula?

For a two-dimensional vector a=(a1,a2), the formula for its magnitude is ∥a∥=√a21+a22.

What is the magnitude of the sum of the two vectors?

The magnitude of the sum of the two vectors is equal to the difference of their magnitudes. What is the angle between the vectors? Originally Answered: If the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is equal to the difference in their magnitudes, then what is the angle between the vectors?

What is the result of two vectors A and B?

The result of two vectors a and b is perpendicular to vector ‘a’ and its magnitude is equal to half of the magnitude of vector ‘b’.

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What is the magnitude of B in a+B=A-B?

According to this equation A+B=A-B by looking at this we can conclude that this condition will be satisfied only if the value of B is zero. So the magnitude of B must be zero. Vector A has magnitude of 8 units. and make an angle 45 degree with the positive x-axis vector B also has the same magnitude of 8units directed along negetive x-axis.

Which vector has the same magnitude as the negative x-axis?

Even though the question uses magnitude and direction for both the given information and the unknowns, it seems easier to work with the vectors in component form. Vector A has magnitude of 8 units. and make an angle 45 degree with the positive x-axis vector B also has the same magnitude of 8 units directed along negative x-axis.