
Can I get into IIM after diploma?

Can I get into IIM after diploma?

IIM aspirants will not have to wait for a Graduation Degree anymore as IIM Indore has launched a Integrated 5 year Post Graduate Diploma in Management with the eligibility for the same being Class 12th. That makes it Rs 9 Lakh for the Degree Course and Rs. 19 Lakhs for the whole 5 year Management Program.

Can I study in IIM after 12th?

Yes, there are IIMs that offer five-year integrated MBA programme. IIM Indore and IIM Rohtak offer a five-year integrated course in MBA for undergraduate students. IIM Ranchi, IIM Jammu and IIM Bodh Gaya have also introduced IPM degree courses for students after Class 12.

Can I get admission in IIM bangalore after 12th?

However, the admission to IIM after 12th is through a less popular common entrance called the Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test (IPMAT).

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Can diploma holder apply for CAT?

No, diploma candidates are not eligible for CAT entrance exam. CAT stands for Common Admission Test. Those candidates who have completed graduation degree from a recognized with above 50\% marks are eligible for CAT exam. Final year students are eligible for CAT exam.

Is work experience mandatory for post graduate diploma programs at IIM?

Work experience is also a mandatory for courses other than the flagship PGP. The duration of work experience required will vary for different courses. Apart from the flagship PGP programs, the IIM offer various full-time post graduate diploma programs in various specializations for graduates and working professionals.

What are the types of MBA programs offered by IIM?

In 2018, after the IIM bill was passed in the parliament, the Post Graduate Programs offered by IIM were renamed as MBA degree programs. Other than these programs, IIMs also offers various Executive MBA, One Year Diploma, PhD and Certificate programs.

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How many years does it take to do postgraduate courses at iaiim Bangalore?

IIM Bangalore Courses Programs offered Duration of the Program Post Graduate Program in Management (PGP 2 years Post Graduate Program in Management for 1 year Fellow Program in Management (FPM) 2 years for coursework + 3 years for res Post- Graduate Program in Public Policy 1 year

What are the different roles offered by Deloitte in IIMs?

Deloitte has many different roles which it opens in IIMs and other good non IIMs. Also Deloitte does not offer all the roles in all the Colleges. The best role it offers is strategy and operations (s&o), technology consulting and Human Capital all of which fall under their strategy consulting wing.