Which house has the largest army in got?

Which house has the largest army in got?

Originally Answered: What house has the largest army in Game Of Thrones now? Including all those Dothraki hordes and unsullied, Targaryen have the largest army..

How big is the Dothraki horde?

Khal Drogo had the biggest Khalassar in history and it was pretty solid at 40,000. SO perhaps we can grow that as the Dothraki horde as asomewhere in the 60,000–100,000 range.

How large is the Baratheon army?

In 299 AC, supported by Highgarden and Storm’s End, the host of Renly Baratheon is said to number a hundred thousand. Renly himself claims to have eighty thousand with him at Bitterbridge, while another ten thousand are with Lord Mace Tyrell at Highgarden.

How many soldiers does the Starks have in Game of Thrones?

We’ve put together a list of 8 money apps to get you on the path towards a bright financial future. Starks: 16 000 Northern soldiers + 20 000 Vale soldiers (the Vale can muster up to 45 000 soldiers though, but unlikely to happen, and they are still untouched by the war) – source: game of thrones wikia

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What is the best army in Game of Thrones?

Top 10 Best Armies – Game of Thrones. 1 1. Dothraki. Dothraki screamers are the most feared warriors in the entirety of the known world, their skill in battle is unbeatable and the 2 2. Unsullied. 3 3. Golden Company. 4 4. Lannister Army. 5 5. Vale of Arryn.

How many soldiers does Daenerys have in her Khalsar?

Starks: 16 000 Northern soldiers + 20 000 Vale soldiers (the Vale can muster up to 45 000 soldiers though, but unlikely to happen, and they are still untouched by the war) – source: game of thrones wikia Daenerys: i don’t think she has 100 000 riders in her khalsar, most likely somewhere between 50–70 000 and about 10 000 Unsullied

What happened to the Tyrells when the Lannister army attacked?

When the Lannister Army approached, the bulk of the Tyrell Army led by pro-Tarly officers in a surprise move – marched out of the castle. And making some “unwise” tactical decisions, they got themselves encircled. Randal Tarly personally approached the Tyrell Army and told them that House Tyrell was finished.