Why do people known to you confide in you?

Why do people known to you confide in you?

Usually, through experience, those confide in certain individuals because they often feel like the person will not view the situation from a judgmental perspective. Often times those confided in are great listeners and sometimes that’s just what people need.

Do you have someone whom you can confide?

If you have a confidante, you’re lucky. She is a friend you can confide in, someone you trust with your private thoughts, and who you’re sure can keep a secret. If your trusted friend is male, you call him your confidant. In fact, you could call a male or a female “secret keeper” your confidant (without the “e”).

Can I confide something in you?

“Confide in [someone]” means: To trust someone with one’s secrets or personal matters. “Confide [something] in/to [someone]” means: To tell a secret or private matter to someone, trusting that the person will not reveal the secret.

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Why do you think George is able to confide in slim?

One way that George confides in Slim is that he was hard on Lennie. Another reason is when George told Slim how he met Lennie. Lennie’s Aunt Clara died and George took care of him. Lastly, George confides in Slim was when he told him out they got kicked out of Weed, and what Lennie did.

What is a trusted friend?

Trust friend: a friend who shows integrity, someone you feel comfortable with, that you’re always glad to see, but not in your inmost circle; perhaps someone you’d like to be closer to, if you had the time or opportunity.

What does it mean when you confined in someone?

: to tell personal and private things to (someone) She often confides in me. He had no one to confide in.

Does confidence come from confide?

of another,” from Old French confidence or directly from Latin confidentia, from confidentem (nominative confidens) “firmly trusting, bold,” present participle of confidere “to have full trust or reliance,” from assimilated form of com, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see com-), + fidere “to trust” (from PIE root * …

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What is confide and how does it work?

What is Confide? Confide is a confidential messenger. It allows you to have honest, unfiltered, off-the-record conversations. It allows you to speak freely, without the risk of what you say being forwarded on or permanently stored, just like when you’re talking in person.

What is confide for iMessage and how does it work?

Confide for iMessage allows you to send and receive Confide messages from the comfort and convenience of iMessage. Messages are encrypted, private and self-destructing, like regular Confide messages. And it’s completely frictionless – you don’t even need to create an account.

Can you send multiple messages on Confide?

Yes and yes. Confide supports text, photos, videos, documents and voice messages. You can also send Confide messages to one person or multiple recipients. How secure is this and do messages really disappear?