What is special about Telugu?

What is special about Telugu?

Telugu is one the oldest languages in the world The Dravidian languages are considered some of the oldest ever spoken. There are records of Telugu having been used for literature and poetry since the 11th century, but the first written materials in this language are dated back to 575 CE.

Is Telugu related to Hindi?

Well over 75 million people, the world over, speak Telugu, and it stands second only to Hindi in India as to the number of native speakers. According to linguists, Telugu is a Dravidian language. That is to say, it does not belong to the Indo-Aryan family to which Hindi, Sanskrit, Latin and Greek belong.

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What is the position of Telugu in India?

Telugu ranks fourth among the languages with the highest number of native speakers in India, with nearly 82 million speakers as per the 2011 census, and 15th in the Ethnologue list of languages by number of native speakers.

What is it like to be friends with a Telugu person?

Though initially, it might take some time to break ice between us and a Telugu person, but once through, they turn out to be a really amazing lot. They take friendships very seriously and will not think twice to stand up for you, help you in times of dire need. A common perception I heard (not from Quora) is that Telugu people are quite serious, n

Why do Telugu people want to immigrate to the US?

US craze – All Telugu families have at least 1+ person in the US or someone vying for the US. They have this craze because you see all neighborhood has someone in the US, so kind of societal pressure. But this also makes them realize about the amount of money and material life one can have in US, that does exceed India’s materially.

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Why Telugu culture is unique in India?

The Telugu land has produced many stalwarts, erudite scholars in various fields and legendary rulers who upheld the culture. AP/TS has a diverse cultural make-up resulting from its rich history of being ruled by both Hindu and Muslim rulers, and being visited by many foreign explorers.

What will happen to South Indian languages after the Hindi invasion?

Hindi promotion has already killed many languages in North India. South India is more than just the 4 official languages (which are way older than hindi). There are several scriptless languages as well that may get lost due to Hindi Imposition.