Tips and tricks

How must I behave to become successful?

How must I behave to become successful?

13 things you should give up if you want to be successful

  1. Give up on the unhealthy lifestyle. “Take care of your body.
  2. Give up the short-term mindset.
  3. Give up on playing small.
  4. Give up your excuses.
  5. Give up the fixed mindset.
  6. Give up believing in the “magic bullet”
  7. Give up your perfectionism.
  8. Give up multi-tasking.

What can stop me from being successful?

I’ve identified the top 17 things you should quit doing to be more successful.

  • Making Excuses.
  • Procrastinating.
  • Playing the Victim Card.
  • Expecting Good Things to Just Happen.
  • Complaining Instead of Looking for Solutions.
  • Automatically Saying “Yes” to Every Request.
  • Being Afraid to Fail.
  • Being so Hard on Yourself.

Why is it so hard to achieve success?

That’s not how real success is achieved. Because even if you’re outwardly successful, you’ll feel disconnected from it. Achieving the wrong kind of success will always feel hollow. 2. Success is the wrong motivator It’s too often based on extrinsic factors — the things you believe success can deliver.

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Are You placing your efforts on being a “successful person”?

Placing your efforts on being a “successful person” is putting energy into the wrong place. It’s allowing in the complications I’ve listed above (and there are more that I haven’t listed) and ignoring how you’re thinking about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it right now.

Why don’t you take action?

The number one reason why we don’t take action is because we are carrying the wrong list with us. And in time, we will prove ourselves right because not taking a chance is the best way to ensure failure. Ditch that list and start carrying the list of ‘Why it will work’ at all the times with you.

Do you create your own definition of success?

Too many people don’t create their own definition of success. They chase an idea they’ve patched together from what they’ve read, observed, or think they should be aiming for. Do you know the feeling of not being wholly convinced that you’re pursuing the right success for you, but you’ve carried on regardless?