
Can orthodontists do jaw surgery?

Can orthodontists do jaw surgery?

In most cases, you also have braces on your teeth before surgery and during recovery after surgery until healing and alignment are complete. Your orthodontist can work with your oral and jaw and face (maxillofacial) surgeon to determine your treatment plan.

What is the average cost for jaw surgery?

How Much Does Jaw Surgery Cost? The cost of jaw surgery ranges from $20,000 to $40,000. Surgery to correct temporomandibular joint dysfunction can cost up to $50,000.

What insurance pays for jaw surgery?

Medicaid. Medicaid is most likely to pay for corrective jaw surgery because of its hybrid nature. Medicaid is primarily health insurance, but sometimes also covers dental work for adults.

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Who qualifies for jaw surgery?

Some cases that require corrective jaw surgery are: You have a receding chin. You have suffered from a facial injury or have birth defects that have misaligned your jaw. You have an overextended jaw.

Is it worth getting jaw surgery?

Jaw or orthognathic surgery can help alleviate various functional dental issues and facial and dental deformities and dramatically improve the cosmetic appearance of both your teeth and jaws.

How long do you stay in hospital after jaw surgery?

Orthognathic surgery takes place in a hospital and requires patients to stay for two to four days after the procedure. The hospital will contact the patients 48 hours in advance to let them know what time they should report. During the surgery, patients are put under general anesthesia.

Is jaw surgery dental or medical?

Orthognathic (jaw straightening) surgery is not a dental insurance matter, but may be a covered benefit on the medical insurance. Although there are some medical plans that specifically exclude orthognathic surgery, most insurance plans permit the authorization of orthognathic surgery “when medically necessary”.

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How do I pay for corrective jaw surgery?

Monthly Financing and Orthognathic Surgery If patients do not have the option to pay for orthognathic surgery using their insurance or a flexible spending account (FSA), they often turn to dental health financing. These monthly payment plans are like traditional loans or credit cards.

Is orthognathic jaw surgery covered by insurance?

How long do you need braces after jaw surgery?

The initial phase of treatment might require the active use of braces for approximately 18 months, followed by orthognathic surgery. After the surgery, the second phase of orthodontic treatment could last for 6 to 9 months.

Who is a good candidate for jaw surgery?

Children are typically the best candidates for surgery because their jaws are not fully developed. Once the jaw fully develops in adulthood, treatment options for severe misalignment are limited. An orthodontist may recommend orthognathic surgery at this stage of life. Denteractive provides 24/7 access to high-quality board-certified dentists.

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Do I need an orthodontist or an oral surgeon for jaw surgery?

Jaw surgery may be recommended if you have a jaw issue that can’t be addressed with orthodontics alone. Orthodontics is a specialized type of dentistry concerned with the positioning of the jaws and teeth. Your orthodontist and oral surgeon will work together to help develop a treatment plan that’s appropriate for your condition.

What does it mean to have an orthognathic jaw surgery?

Jaw surgery. Overview. Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic (or-thog-NATH-ik) surgery, corrects irregularities of the jaw bones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work. Making these corrections may also improve your facial appearance.

How can jaw surgery help with my jaw condition?

Your orthodontist and oral surgeon will work together to help develop a treatment plan that’s appropriate for your condition. Some examples of things that jaw surgery can help with include: The optimal time for jaw surgery is after the jaw has stopped growing, typically in the late teens or early 20s.