
Can you live someone and not be in love with them?

Can you live someone and not be in love with them?

You may have love, but not be in love, if you enjoy spending time with your partner but aren’t attracted to them. “There has to be an element of passion, desire, physical attraction to go from love to being in love,” Cramer says. These people may make you feel loved and special, but you aren’t in love with them.

Can there be respect without love?

You can certainly respect a person without loving them, though respect would imply some liking. After all, you can only respect someone with qualities that you like and maybe aspire for, never for a trait that you abhor! But love does and can last beyond respect, though it may not be its happiest state!

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Can a relationship last without respect?

In a healthy relationship, you should have love and respect; however, they are not the same thing. While they go hand in hand, it is possible to have one without the other. Respect means that you have a positive feeling or action that is shown towards another.

Can you have trust without respect?

We should stop saying or implying that we respect but don’t trust one another. You cannot respect someone and mistrust them at the same time. If you don’t trust someone, believe me, you don’t respect them either, whether you immediately realize this or not.

Can people really love you?

People can love you a little bit, and they can love you enough but not enough to make it work. It is not an all-or-nothing situation. We have to stop thinking that it is, and that when the cards don’t fall in our favor, that it defines some part of us as being unworthy and unlovable.

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How do you know if someone you love doesn’t care about you?

5 Indicators that someone you love doesn’t care about you: 1. You talk, beg and they still don’t listen – You exhaust yourself verbally, yet your significant other either ignores you, says you never shut up, walks away from you, or implies that you don’t get over things.

Is it possible to have the right love?

The right love is something we’d define as perfection but the right love at the wrong time are a lot of people’s reality. And you walk around with all these feelings you don’t even know what to do with because the only person you feel something for is the same one who cannot receive these intense emotions that keep you up at night.

Is Your Love stopping you from Living Your Life?

Their love isn’t stopping you, because that love doesn’t exist. It is only you who is holding onto what you believe should be. And what you will realize, sooner or later, is that most of your life is defined and chosen by what you compel yourself to believe should or shouldn’t be. Release yourself from the cage you built.