
What was life like in Germany during ww2?

What was life like in Germany during ww2?

For most Germans, life during the early stages of the war was reasonably comfortable. Germany was blockaded by Britain so there were some shortages, especially of oil, rare metals, and to some foodstuffs. General building materials had been diverted to war purposes and were also hard to get.

What was it like living in Europe during ww2?

Over a million were evacuated from towns and cities and had to adjust to separation from family and friends. Many of those who stayed, endured bombing raids and were injured or made homeless. All had to deal with the threat of gas attack, air raid precautions (ARP), rationing, changes at school and in their daily life.

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What did Germany occupy in ww2?

Germany defeated and occupied Poland (attacked in September 1939), Denmark (April 1940), Norway (April 1940), Belgium (May 1940), the Netherlands (May 1940), Luxembourg (May 1940), France (May 1940), Yugoslavia (April 1941), and Greece (April 1941).

What was Amsterdam like during ww2?

At the start of World War 2 the Netherlands was a neutral country like it had been for over a century. This policy had kept them out of the bloody First World War. The Dutch sat on the sidelines as other countries in Europe first experienced slaughter on an industrial scale. The Dutch would only fight when attacked.

What happened to most German soldiers after ww2?

After Germany’s surrender in May 1945, millions of German soldiers remained prisoners of war. In France, their internment lasted a particularly long time. And the country made sure the defeated German nation was made aware of this status.

Why were gliders used in ww2?

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Under veil of darkness on D-Day and other major Allied airborne assaults, the Waco glider carried troops and materiel behind enemy lines to take out key enemy defenses and transportation links.

What was life like in occupied France during World War II?

Life in occupied France during the second world war. The Nazis maintained a stranglehold over the media in occupied France, where resistance fighters lived in constant fear.

What was it like to live in Norway during World War II?

Living in German-occupied Norway was filled with fear and paranoia, and you could never be certain of whom to trust. Many Norwegians were in the resistance movement, including my grandma’s school teacher. One time she was playing in the schoolyard, and they were climbing a flag post.

What happened to the Jews in Germany during WW2?

By 1939 and the outbreak of war, they were unable to make a living for themselves. They had been deprived of their property, by so-called ‘Aryanisation’ – by which Jewish-owned banks, shops and businesses were forcibly transferred, either with compensation or even without it, to non-Jewish Germans.

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What were the conditions like in the Warsaw Ghetto?

The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest ghetto in Nazi occupied Europe. Conditions within the ghetto became increasingly desperate over the course of the war, with widespread starvation. This photograph shows a man begging for food in the street.